The following evidence requirements, taken from the BREEAM International New Construction 2016 manual, give further information on the evidence that can be used to demonstrate compliance. This will be added to the next manual re-issue and will be required as evidence.
Evidence requirements
Note: Aside from the likely benefit to the environment from teams using LCA tools, the objective for BREEAM is to gather LCA performance data in order to create benchmarks and inform future updates of the scheme. The evidence requirements below are generic, but BRE Global understand that some tools are not able to fulfil all of the criteria. Where this is the case, the tool operator should submit results as close as possible to that required for the tool.
IMPACT compliant tools
A copy of the full IMPACT project or building file submitted by the assessor to BRE Global must be transmitted in the following format:
- For 3D CAD or building information model (BIM) based IMPACT compliant tools: In Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) or the IMPACT Compliant tool’s native format.
- For spreadsheet-based IMPACT compliant tools: IFC, MS Excel or comma-separated variables (CSV) file format.
- Building element categorisation to be according to New Rules of Measurement (NRM) Royal Institution of Chartered surveyors (RICS).
- A table in MS Excel or CSV file format listing each building element with, for each one, the information listed under 2 b, c and d (from the ‘other tools’ section), along with the NRM classification.
Other tools
An electronic data table or tables of results (suitably cross referenced) generated by the tool, submitted by the assessor to BRE Global must fulfil the following criteria:
Submit a total building environmental impact result for year 0 (installation only) and year 60 study periods, as follows:
- To include individual results for all environmental issues or indicators that the tool or data permits, showing issue or indicators names and units used. Where issues or indicators according to BSEN 15978:2011 are available, these should be used
- Include individual results for each life stage or module, e.g. stages A, B and C (see BS EN 15978:2011). Where the tool further permits, or where complete measurement of the aforementioned stages is not possible, more detail should be provided. For example, BS EN 15978:2011 modules should be used
- The reporting format should be to BS EN 15978:2011 (or equivalent).
Results for each element as follows, to enable project team members and assessors without an IMPACT Compliant tool to check the accuracy of the model:
- Element impact per issue (as above), with units
- Element kg kgCO2e per life stage or module (as above)
- Element quantity, with units
- Element description
- For each material in the element:
- Installed quantities, with units
- Site wastage quantities, with units
- Replace, repair, refurbish quantities, with units
- Reuse, recycling or disposal (landfill, incineration) quantities, with units.
Transmitted in IFC, MS Excel or CSV file format.
Data permissions
Submission of information to BRE Global for the purpose of assessing this issue will be required at QA stage. The submission is deemed to grant permission for the BRE Group of companies to use the information to:
Fulfil BREEAM quality assurance requirements
Conduct further research (using anonymised data), including for the establishment of robust building level life cycle performance benchmarks in BREEAM and BRE associated tools and methodologies.
03.11.2021 Issue 2.0 of the UK RFO technical manual updated. The above is still applicable to previous issues of the manual, as well as the IRFO manual.