Transportation systems should be considered as within the scope of the assessment where these serve the assessed area. However, in cases where the developer cannot influence their specification or carry out work to these, they should not be assessed.
This would, for example, include situations where, in an assessment of a tenancy area, the lifts are under the landlord’s control or, in a first fit-out assessment of a shell and core development, which includes newly-specified lifts which will not undergo any further work.
Reference in the criteria to compliance for existing lifts is intended to apply where existing lift systems are being refurbished, or where existing lifts are within the control of the developer and are being retained . (Refer also to other relevant compliance notes).
In such cases, where these are the only lifts and transportation system present in the building, this Issue should be filtered out of the assessment by responding ‘no’ to the relevant filtering question in the online scoring and reporting tool.
This Issue is intended to assess transportation systems, which fall within the scope of the refurbishment and where their specification can be influenced as part of the assessed project.
3.11.20 Amendments made in issue 2.0 of the UK RFO 2014 manual.
30.11.17 Re-worded for clarity.
22.11.17 Wording amended to clarify that such lifts will not be assessed. 16.11.17 Clarification added on how to filter out this Issue.