Flood risk – use of flood maps only in FRA

Answer option E (Commercial) or F (Residential)

If a flood risk assessment considers flooding from rivers and seas only, flood risk is zero / low, and the following requirements are met:

  • There are local or national flood maps available covering these sources of flooding.
  • The maps are accurate, up to date, and have sufficient detail to clearly identify flood risk for the asset.
  • The maps are approved by local or national government, and based on robust data.

It is acceptable for the flood risk assessment to be carried out by a relevant member of the team. It does not require a competent individual (see manual definition) to do this.

Most sources of flooding are site-specific and require specialist input and calculation to quantify. However, flood maps meeting the criteria above can provide an acceptable level of assurance of overall flood risk from rivers or seas without the need to engage a specialist.

Answer option B (Commercial) or C (Residential)

Where the risk of flooding is medium or high, flood mitigation measures are required (criterion 3).

These mitigation measures must be defined by either:

  • A local authority (the measures must be relevant to the asset).
  • Or a competent individual.

The FRA can still be produced by a relevant member of the team.

Exemplary credit

This option is only available if a site-specific FRA was carried out by a competent individual, and cannot be based only on flood maps that give an allowance for climate change.

Example scenarios

National flood maps cover flooding from rivers and seas. The flood risk from these sources is zero / low.

The compliant FRA can be produced by a relevant member of the team.

National flood maps cover flooding from rivers and seas. The flood risk from these sources is medium / high. Flood mitigation measures are required.

The local authority provides some general flood mitigation measures for the area, but these are not relevant to the assessed asset.

Instead, a competent individual is consulted on relevant flood mitigation measures for the asset – their recommendations are recorded in the FRA.

The compliant FRA can be produced by a relevant member of the team.

06-Nov-2024 - Answer C guidance title now corrected to point to Answer B for Commercial manuals.