The UK NC 2014 Compliance Checker is publicly available via the BREEAM Projects website. However, the use of this compliance checker for UK NC 2014 is not required in order to assess the issue and award credits. The figures required for the Scoring and Reporting tool can be taken directly from the BRUKL output.
The function of the UK NC 2011 compliance checker was to apply translators to the energy consumption metric to allow this to be assessed in terms of primary energy. The purpose of the UK NC 2014 Compliance Checker will be to allow BREEAM assessors and other members of the design team such as energy specialists, to review the performance of servicing strategies against BREEAM targets without using the BREEAM Scoring and Reporting Tool.
The compliance checkers for BREEAM UK NC2011 and UK NC2014 can be found on BREEAM Projects by following this link;
NC2011/2014 Compliance Checker
02 08 2022 - Link updated 26 04 2019 - Link to compliance checkers added and applied to UK NC2011