Single and Multiple Certification options

BIU Residential provides flexible options to allow as many residential buildings as possible to be rated and receive a certificate. These include:


  • Multiple certificates, one for each individual apartment unit
  • A single certificate for all the apartments only
  • A single certificate for all the apartments and the common area


  • Multiple certificates, one for each individual house unit
  • A single certificate for all the houses


Benefits of the different certification options

Multiple certificates – These show the performance of each residential unit. This can show the difference in scoring and rating between units, which could be used for sales purposes or as a way of targeting specific units for improvements. When opting for multiple certificates, the rating of the best performing units will not be limited by the performance in other units.

Evidence must be collated from each building that is included in the assessment and where performance against the BREEAM requirements varies, the final score will be determined by the apartment or home with the lowest level of performance.

Single Certificates – These show the performance of the apartment(s) or house(s) as a whole. While performance has to be documented for each dwelling, BREEAM Projects includes features which help streamline this process.


Which certification route is right for my Asset?

When assessing just the Asset Performance in BREEAM In-Use Residential v6, the choice of certification option is up to the client. However, if Management Performance is included in the scope of assessment then the differing data requirements will determine which certification option the project needs to follow. These differing data requirements are driven by the energy consumption data available.

The flow diagram below can be used as a guide to determine the appropriate certification route for your project, given the energy consumption data available.

The scope of the energy data available will typically be more variable for an apartment building compared to houses. Houses tend to be individually metered, and therefore certification options are more open to client choice.

Note: Any asset without compliant consumption data will not be able to achieve all of the credits within Management Performance (e.g. the Operational Energy Calculator and Water)

If further assistance is required, please contact BRE at [email protected]

24 Apr 2024 - Paragraph headed 'Benefits of the different certification options' updated for clarity and KBCN applied to BREEAM In-Use USA Residential
20 July 2021 Amended for clarification and flow diagram updated