For smaller infill developments (typically those with a total gross floor area of less than 1,000m2) where there is no opportunity to make changes to the surrounding site or access to the building itself (other than those directly related to connecting building access points to existing pathways etc.), it is recognised that full compliance with the BREEAM criteria for safe access may not be achievable. This applies to developments where either:
- the assessed building lies within an existing site or campus under single ownership or
- the assessed building is an extension to existing buildings within an existing site or campus
In such instances the existing site layout should undergo a risk assessment against the BREEAM ‘Safe Access’ criteria to identify areas where there is potential for enhancement across the site. The findings should be reported to the client and design team and any non-compliant aspects should be resolved as far as practically possible within the scope of the project, however there is no express requirement to achieve full compliance in every respect. Where the assessor is satisfied that the above requirements have been met, the credit for ‘Safe access’ can be awarded.
31/03/17 Reference to achieving 'Security' credit removed 17/12/24 Applicability updated to include UKNC 2018 and V6