Time critical requirements – defining project stage by construction element

This KBCN was originally written to specifically clarify BREEAM requirements for Mat 01 Concept / Technical Design under NC 2018 and V6. However, the general principles may also be applicable to other assessment issues.

As a building design process passes through successive work stages, increasingly more aspects of the design become fixed. BREEAM criteria often require actions at, before or after specific project work stages, as these are the optimal stages to achieve the required sustainability outcome. When undertaken at a different stage, the criteria may be difficult to comply with, opportunities may be missed, options limited or costs may become prohibitive.

Knowing which stage your project is at

Where possible, BREEAM refers to industry-standard work stages, for example the RIBA plan of work stages. However different project teams can interpret these referenced stages differently.

Furthermore, many projects do not follow these stages in a simple linear fashion for all aspects of the design at the same time. For instance, the envelope design may be well advanced even to the point where installation has commenced before any specification decisions have been made on some interior finishes. As such, a project may not be at one project stage for all elements of the design at any one point in time.

This Knowledge Base compliance note is intended to provide supplementary information to enable projects to determine what stage they are at with respect to time critical BREEAM requirements, including where different elements are at different stages. Although project team members may be willing to offer their opinion on the stage the project has reached, this will often be subjective and hence inconsistent. Therefore, the process set out here looks at the currently available design information for the project (e.g. drawings, specifications) to determine the current work stage in relation to the issue under consideration. This provides a more objective, demonstrable approach for the assessor to follow.

Concept Design Stage

The RIBA definition of ‘Concept Design’ (RIBA stage 2) can be found here https://www.ribaplanofwork.com/PlanOfWork.aspx . The core objective given is ‘Prepare Concept Design, including outline proposals for structural design, building services systems, outline specifications and preliminary Cost Information along with relevant Project Strategies in accordance with Design Programme. Agree alterations to brief and issue Final Project Brief.’

Table 1 and table 2 (in the link below) provide further guidance, specific to BREEAM, to help determine whether a project, or part of the project relevant to the issue/credit, is at ‘Concept Design’ stage. If there is ambiguity or uncertainty about the stage of the project, the assessor should check with the design team whether the design documentation (drawings, specifications, BIM etc.) currently being produced by the design team will generally include the information listed.

It is possible for different aspects of the project to be at different stages in terms of how progressed the design is. For example, the substructure design may be at technical design or even installed while the internal partitions are still at concept design. Whether this matters depends on the issue/credit being pursued. The following steps take this into account.

Step 1

First, for the issue/credit being pursued, determine which of the relevant assessment scope items in table 1 and 2 are relevant. For example, if the issue/credit only relates to substructure, then only the substructure assessment scope items shall be considered. If the issue/credit is of a general nature concerning the whole project, then all the assessment scope items shall be considered.

Step 2

For the relevant assessment scope items from step 1, decide which of the following applies the most: –

  • Where the items listed are in the process of being included in the design documentation, this indicates that the project, or part of the project being considered, is likely to be at the ‘Concept Design’ stage.
  • If items listed are not in the process of being included, the project, or part of the project being considered, is likely to be at an earlier stage.
  • If the existing design documentation already includes the items listed the project, or part of the project being considered, is likely to be at a later stage.

Please note that the items listed are indicative of the typical information produced at ‘Concept Design’ stage.

Technical Design Stage

The RIBA definition of ‘Technical Design’ (RIBA stage 4) can be found here https://www.ribaplanofwork.com/PlanOfWork.aspx . The core objective provided is ‘Prepare Technical Design in accordance with Design Responsibility Matrix and Project Strategies to include all architectural, structural and building services information, specialist subcontractor design and specifications, in accordance with Design Programme.

The following provides further guidance, specific to BREEAM, to determine whether a project is at the ‘Technical Design’ stage: The RIBA plan of work definition of ‘Technical Design’ clearly states that it should ‘…include all architectural, structural and building services information, specialist subcontractor design and specifications…’. Therefore, it is a simpler task to determine whether the project, or part of the project relevant to the issue/credit, is at this stage. If there is ambiguity or uncertainty about the stage of the project, the assessor should check with the design team whether the design documentation (drawings, specifications, BIM etc.) currently under production by the design team (and the contractor’s specialist sub-contractors, if applicable) will, when finished, generally include all the final design information required for the construction works on-site.

Like concept design, it is possible for different aspects of the project to be at different stages in terms of how progressed the design is. The following steps take this into account.

Step 1

First, for the issue/credit being pursued, determine which of the relevant assessment scope items are relevant (the assessment scope items given in table 1 and 2 may be used, but the rest of the information in these tables relates to concept design).

Step 2

For the relevant assessment scope items from step 1, decide which of the following applies the most: –

  • Where all the final design information required for the construction works on-site is in the process of being included in the design documentation, this indicates that the project, or part of the project being considered, is likely to be at the ‘Technical Design’ stage.
  • If it is not in the process of being included, the project, or part of the project being considered, is likely to be at an earlier stage.
  • If the existing design documentation already includes all the final design information required for the construction works on-site the project, or part of the project being considered, is likely to be at a later stage.



06-Nov-2024 - Scheme applicability updated. Title amended. Explanatory note added.
17-Jun-2019 - KBCN updated to provide additional guidance.