In Issues 1.0 and 1.2 of the technical manual, the criteria state that achieving the credits in Tra 01 is a prerequisite to awarding credits for Tra 02.
In order to clarify the intent, there is a need to distinguish between the following:
- A ‘transport assessment’, which, to be effective, must be carried out during the early design stages to influence time-critical aspects of the design.
- A ‘travel plan’, which must be developed at an appropriate time during the design development to influence the implementation of appropriate transport measures during construction and operation.
The requirement to undertake an early-stage ‘transport assessment’, ‘no later than Concept Design stage’, remains as a criterion to award any credits for Issue Tra 01, however it has now been clarified that this does not form part of the prerequisite for awarding credits in Tra 02.
The prerequisite to achieve credits in Tra 02 relates to the requirement to develop a ‘travel plan’ at an appropriate stage in the development, which informs decisions relating to the sustainable transport measures implemented in Tra 02. However, a transport assessment is a key step in developing a travel plan. Therefore, as stated in criterion 3, to meet the Tra 02 prerequisite, a transport assessment (in line with requirements within criterion 2) must be undertaken at an appropriate time to influence the travel plan.
Clarification of the requirements in Tra 01 and Tra 02:
Tra 01, Criterion 1
This currently states:
‘1. During the feasibility and design stages, develop a travel plan based on a site-specific travel assessment or statement.’
Clarified criterion:
‘1. No later than Concept Design stage, undertake a site-specific transport assessment (or statement) and draft travel plan, which can demonstrably be used to influence the site layout and built form; see Methodology.’
Tra 01, Criterion 3
This currently states:
‘3. The travel plan includes proposals to increase or improve sustainable modes of transport and movement of people and goods during the building’s operation and use; see Methodology.’
Clarified criterion:
‘3. Following a transport assessment (in accordance with the requirements set out in criteria 2a-2g) develop a site-specific travel plan, that provides a long term management strategy which encourages more sustainable travel. The travel plan includes measures to increase or improve more sustainable modes of transport and movement of people and goods during the building’s operation; see Methodology.’
Tra 02, Prerequisite
This currently states:
‘1. Achieve the Tra 01 Transport assessment and travel plan credits.’
Clarified criterion:
‘1. Achieve criteria 3-5 in the Tra 01 Transport assessment and travel plan Issue’
This will be confirmed in the next reissue of the technical manual, but the tool has been updated on BREEAM Projects and this can be applied immediately in all versions of the UK NC2018 scheme. 07 Jan 25: Wording amended to paragraphs 3 and 4 to make it clear that a compliant transport assessment is still required for the prerequisite for Tra02, but does not need to be produced at Concept Design.