Using the CLIMB Model for Ecological Enhancement

BREEAM Recognises CLIMB 1.2 Model as a means of complying with the requirements in BREEAM Infrastructure Issue 4.4 instead of the DEFRA Metric or BREEAM LUE calculator.

The calculation you must do to get the percentage improvement in Biodiversity Net Gain from the CLIMB 1.2 model is as follows

Percentage Improvement in Biodiversity Net Gain


Notation Term Equation
A Area in Hectares
NV Factor for Natural Value
L Factor for Landscape Value
S Difficulty Factor
L Factor for Time
I Factor for Indirect Influence
T0 before influence/action
T1 after impact/action
U Present value CLIMB units
V Fabricated CLIMB units by creating biotopes
X CLIMB units lost through deterioration of the biotope
Y CLIMB units lost through indirect impact
Z CLIMB units lost through indirect impact

The credit allocation is for BREEAM Infrastructure is as follows:

CLIMB Model 1.2
Percentage Improvement in Biodiversity Net Gain
BREEAM Infrastructure V6 Credits Awarded
Less than -25% 0
Between -24% and -6% 10
Between -5% and 4% 20
Between 5% and 9% 30
10% and above 40

Please provide the CLIMB Model tool and supporting documentation as evidence for your assessment.

Please also note that CLIMB units for offsite enhancements are not recognised by BREEAM Infrastructure, therefore the above calculation should only consider onsite enhancement.