Please substitute the following text for compliance note CN1 of Hea 02 International New Construction 2016 manual:
Shell and Core (non-residential and residential institutions only)
Pre-requisite: criterion 1
Both options: All criteria relevant to the building type and function apply.
Indoor air quality: criterion 2
Both options: This criterion is not applicable.
Ventilation: criteria 3 to 8
Shell only: These criteria are not applicable.
Shell and core: Criteria 4 and 5 are applicable. Criteria 3 and 6 to 8 do not apply
Emissions levels: criteria 9 to 17 and 20 to 23
Both options: These criteria are not applicable.
Adaptability – Potential for natural ventilation: criteria 18 to 19
Both options: All criteria relevant to the building type and function apply.
Refer to Appendix D – Shell and core project assessments for a more detailed description of the shell and core assessment options.
Technical manual to be updated accordingly in next re-issue.