4 Operational / Licensing and Registrations /


Information correct as of 15thSeptember 2024. Please see kb.breeam.com for the latest compliance information.

BREEAM assessment registration process reminders - KBCN0715

All BREEAM assessments (including HQM but excluding CSH and BREEAM In-Use) should be registered using the 'New Assessment Registration' form on BREEAM Projects in 'My Projects'.

BREEAM Projects – changing assessment type - KBCN0954

When starting an assessment which is supported by a BREEAM Projects online tool, the system will ask you if you wish for it to be a Design Stage or Post Construction Stage (PCA). To change the assessment type at a later stage, please contact the Registrations team. For information on how to start a Post Construction Review (PCR) assessment in BREEAM Projects, please see KBCN0727.

Changing the project scope (Fully fitted/Shell Only/Shell & Core) between Design Stage certification and Post Construction Review - KBCN0990

The Post Construction Review (PCR) must reflect the Design Stage (DS) in all aspects. If anything changes in terms of the scheme, version, building type, functions, scope, size between DS certification and PCR, then the project cannot have a PCR and would need to be registered as a new Post Construction Assessment (PCA). Therefore if a Shell only/Shell and core project has been certified at the DS, this cannot be changed to Fully fitted at PCR and should go through a PCA. However, only in this specific situation, where it changes from Fully Fitted to Shell and vice versa, the DS registration can be used to submit a PCA. Submitting a PCA against the DS registration will supercede the DS certification and the certificate will be re-issued as a PCA. This will incur the PCA certification fee. Any other changes between DS certification and PCR will need to be registered as a new assessment and can be submitted as a PCA. Queries regarding registrations and PCRs can be directed to the BREEAM Registration team.

Creating a PCR using BREEAM Projects online reporting tool - KBCN0727

When completing a post construction review (PCR) of a certified design stage assessment it is not necessary to submit a new assessment registration. PCRs are a review assessment of a certified design stage and therefore do not require a new assessment registration. Do not register PCRs through the online registration system. For schemes where the BREEAM Projects online reporting tool has been used, you will need to contact the BREEAM Registration team ([email protected])  to convert and add the PCR to your BREEAM Projects account. Please see other compliance note regarding the process of submitting PCRs under schemes that use the excel scoring and reporting tool.

Definition of NIA (net floor area) for assessment registration purposes - KBCN0569

Net Internal Area (NIA) is broadly the usable area within a building measured to the face of the internal finish of perimeter or party walls ignoring skirting boards and taking each floor into account. NIA will include: NIA will exclude: Source: Valuation Office Agency Therefore, the usable area within a building measured to the face of the internal walls should be provided. Whilst this is not expected to be accurate to the nearest 1m2, the closest estimate possible for the NFA should be entered. This is to allow for any possible subsequent adjustment to the size of the development.

How to start a PCR in BREEAM Projects - KBCN1167

When completing a post construction review (PCR) of a certified design stage assessment it is not necessary to submit a new assessment registration. PCRs are a review assessment of a certified design stage and therefore do not require a new assessment registration. Do not register PCRs through the online registration system otherwise a non-refundable registration fee will be charged. Assessors can start PCRs of their own certified Design stage assessments through BREEAM Projects. Some schemes are not available in BREEAM Projects please see KBCN1069 for details. If the scheme is not compatible to start a PCR in BREEAM Projects please follow instructions in KBCN076. Firstly, find the certified Design stage in your Projects folders. This will either be in a Project folder you have created or it will be in the Project folder titled ‘MY ASSESSMENTS NOT IN A PROJECT’. Click on the Grey cross to expand the folder. Find the assessment and click on it to open the design stage. It should have a green tick at the end which shows ‘Certified’. There will be a box on the first page of the DS assessment which shows the previous ‘QA Result’ Scroll to the bottom of the assessment page and a 'Start PCR' button should be visible. You will be taken to start PCR page with three simple questions. Answer the three questions and click Start PCR. A new PCR assessment will be added and you will receive an email confirming the number. If you cannot find the design stage in your Projects folders then it may have been certified by a different assessor or a different licensed assessor company. In this instance please contact BREEAM Registrations team at [email protected] or on Live Chat and the team will be able to start the PCR and assign it your account (if the relevant scheme licence is valid). Please note that you do not have access to any assessments for schemes where you do not hold a valid licence and therefore would not be able to start assessing at PCR stage. Please see other compliance note regarding the process of submitting PCRs under schemes that use the excel scoring and reporting tool and are not compatible with BREEAM Projects.

New Fees – main changes and key points – FS036 Rev27 From 1 July 2017 - KBCN0879

Note: FS036 rev 28 is effective from 1st December 2019 - See KBCN1366
Schemes affected Main changes Key points  

New Fees – FS036 Rev28 – effective from 1st December 2019 - KBCN1366

Follow this link to access FS036 Rev 28 A summary of changes, providing additional information is also available here.

Only licensed assessors can register assessments - KBCN0711

To register an assessment you must be a licensed assessor and will only be able to register under the schemes for which you are licensed.

Process: Registration date and applicable scheme manual issue - KBCN0708

Typically the scheme technical manual issue which is current when a project is registered should be used for the assessment. For example, if a BREEAM UK New Construction 2014 development was registered on 01/07/2016, the current issue of the scheme technical manual at that point would be issue 4.1, which was published on 11/03/2016 (the next issue 5.0 of the technical manual was published on 05/09/2016). However, it is permissible for the assessor to decide to use a later issue of the technical manual. The scheme technical manual version and issue used for the assessment should be clearly referenced within the assessment report. Note that in any case, the same technical manual version and issue should be used for the entire assessment. It is not acceptable to assess different credits based on different issues of the technical manual and it is not acceptable to change issues between submissions of the assessment.
26 09 17 Clarification added that the 'Issue' of the technical manual may not be changed between assessment submissions

Registration not showing on BREEAM Projects - KBCN0817

All the assessor's available registrations will appear in BREEAM Projects but need to be assigned to a Project folder before they are able to complete the Projects reporting tool or submit to QA. To assign a project to a folder use the 'Assign assessment to project' button on 'My Projects' page. If you cannot access or find an existing registration please contact the Registration Dept. before registering again as all registrations are non-refundable once a number has been issued.

Registration of Simple Buildings assessments - KBCN0476

The registration process is the same for registering a simple building assessment as any other scheme or version. When registering a simple building assessors must select the 'simple building' option under the building type and version. Please remember that by selecting the 'simple building' option you are classifying that the development is compliant with the simple buildings criteria. If you have any uncertainty about a scheme classification, please contact BREEAM prior to completing a registration. As with all registrations, it is not possible to change the scheme, version or type of an existing registration. If you wish to change from a full scheme to a simple building or vice versa then a new registration will need to be completed and a registration fee will apply. Please see Fee Sheet (FS036) for ‘simple buildings’ registration and certification fees.

Registration transfer of a current version - KBCN0949

Transferring assessments takes place to ensure a previous version is maintained when the assessment company changes.   If your project is a current version, there is no requirement to use the transfer option.  Instead you should submit the details of the registration as a new current version using the online registration form.

Schemes and types on BREEAM Projects - KBCN1069

Many schemes and types can now be submitted via BREEAM Projects. This compliance note lists the schemes that are available via BREEAM projects and can be submitted using the BREEAM Projects online portal. Assessors will upload new assessments to us through an assessment submission portal within BREEAM Projects, rather than the extranet upload tool, for all schemes other than BREEAM In-Use, CSH, EcoHomes and any other scheme version released prior to 1st January 2008. The exception to this will be assessments completed through BREEAM Recognised Software, which should continue to be submitted via the Recognised platform (which is linked to our systems). This means that we will no longer accept assessment submissions for the affected schemes through post (CD/memory stick), email, FTP upload or other means, with the exception of BREEAM Recognised Software. Assessments can continue to be completed using offline tools (e.g. the MS Excel BREEAM New Construction Scoring and Reporting Tool). In such instances the assessor will simply upload the file to BREEAM Projects at the point of submission, at the click of a few buttons, rather than issued to BREEAM through any other means. Schemes and types that are available through BREEAM Projects: Schemes that are currently not available to upload through BREEAM Projects, the extranet upload tool and FTP uploads will still be accepted:  

Submitting a PCR using excel scoring and reporting tool - KBCN0726

When completing a post construction review (PCR) of a certified design stage assessment it is not necessary to submit a new assessment registration. PCRs are a review assessment of a certified design stage and therefore do not require a new assessment registration. Do not register PCRs through the online registration system. For assessments where the Post Construction Review of a certified Design Stage is completed using the excel scoring and reporting tool or a PCR reporting template, nothing is required prior to submission. On submission of the PCR the assessor should provide the certified design stage reference on the report, clearly stating that it is a PCR of the certified design stage. The QA team will add the PCR to the system, assign a new reference number and link it to the original design stage. Please see other compliance note regarding the process of submitting PCRs under schemes that use BREEAM Projects online reporting tool.

Transfers from one assessor to another within a company - KBCN0950

Assessments are assigned to the assessor who registered it and will only be visible in that assessor's projects page. If the assessor leaves the company or is no longer licensed in that scheme then the assessment will need to be assigned to another assessor at the same company. For assessments completed through Excel spreadsheets, when the report is submitted at QA by the new assessor the assessment is then registered in their name. For assessments that are completed through the BREEAM Projects online tools please contact the BREEAM Registration Dept. providing the BREEAM reference number and name of new assessor. If the new assessor is licensed in that scheme then the assessment will be moved to appear in their projects page. We are in the process of making improvements to BREEAM Projects and developing increased functionality to enable assessments to be assigned to different assessors within the company. So in future, transfer of assessments between assessors within the same organisation will be easier and quicker.  

Validity and Expiry of an Assessment Registration - KBCN0951

With the exception of the BREEAM In-Use and BREEAM Infrastructure schemes an assessment registration remains valid from the date of registration up until 5 years after the expiry date of the scheme version (or launch date of the updated scheme version or replacement scheme). This does not mean that assessments cannot be submitted or that registrations lapse after the 5 Year deadline, however, the deadline will affect the Certificate Format and Certification Fee charged;
Registered (DS or PCA) Submitted (DS or PCA) Certification Format/ Output Certification fee
Before registration expiry Before registration expiry Certificate Fee structure at registration date
Before registration expiry After registration expiry Certificate with disclaimer Current fee structure on submission
After registration expiry After registration expiry Letter of compliance Current fee structure on submission
For design stage (DS) assessments that will be proceeding to post construction review (PCR) - in order to receive a certificate for both stages you will need to submit the Design Stage assessments by the deadline date as detailed above. The post construction review report can follow in due course and there is no deadline for submitting this, assuming that the Interim Design Stage report was submitted for QA and certification prior to the 5 year deadline for expiry date. Assessments that are registered and assessed as a single post construction assessment (PCA) will need to be submitted by the deadline date as detailed above to receive a certificate. Please be aware that the current fee structure means the current certification fees based on the revision of the fee sheet (FS036) valid on the date of submission.
Information correct as of 15thSeptember 2024. Please see kb.breeam.com for the latest compliance information.