Manual errata – Passive design – Shell only assets

This KBCN relates to Shell Only assets targeting the ‘Passive Design’ credit in Ene 04.

Specific note 1.2 in Ene 04 states:

Hea 04 Thermal comfort: Criterion 1 is not applicable to Shell only assessments. However, to achieve the Ene 04 Passive design analysis credit, compliance with criteria 1, 2 and 3.b.ii in Hea 04 Thermal comfort must be demonstrated.

This is incorrect. It should say:

Ene 04 Low Carbon Design: Criterion 1 is not applicable to Shell only assessments. However, to achieve the Ene 04 Passive design analysis credit, compliance with criteria 1, 2 and 3.b.ii in Hea 04 Thermal comfort must be demonstrated.

This will be corrected in the next re-issue of the manual.