1 Approved Innovations

Information correct as of 27thOctober 2024. Please see kb.breeam.com for the latest compliance information.

01 Scope – contribution to performance in other issues - KBCN0585

An innovation application can be approved even if the benefits of the proposed innovation contribute to achieving credits in other issues. For example an innovative heating technology might be ‘approved’ as an innovation after following the appropriate process, even if its benefits also impact on Ene 01 through the reduction of energy consumption.
Updated 18.03.2019

01 Scope – future BREEAM schemes - KBCN0484

Every time BREEAM schemes are updated, a review of approved innovation applications are undertaken to determine the appropriateness of including approved innovations formally within the scheme's criteria, as either an exemplary level credit or part of the standard assessment criteria.
Updated 18.03.2019

01 Scope – interim and final stage assessments - KBCN0499

An Approved Innovation credit be awarded at both the interim and final assessment and certification stages. To award a BREEAM credit for the innovation, evidence of its procurement / specification / installation must be provided to the project’s appointed BREEAM Assessor and appropriately referenced within their certification report (as with compliance against any other BREEAM criteria). This serves to demonstrate that the criteria defined within the application form has been met (or will be met if seeking the interim certificate). The BREEAM credit for the innovation will only be considered ‘achieved’ once the final BREEAM certificate has been issued.
Updated 18.03.2019

01 Scope – product manufacturer or supplier innovations - KBCN0450

The approvals process for BREEAM Approved Innovation credits is not a product approval scheme. Judgement of, and approval for the award of an innovation credit is based on the successful application of the technology / process in a BREEAM assessed and certified development. Product manufacturers and suppliers who have a potential innovative technology, process or service are encouraged to engage with their clients who use BREEAM to explore the potential for collaborating on an joint application via an appointed BREEAM Assessor.
Updated 18.03.2019

01 Scope – scheme applicability - KBCN0463

Approved Innovation credits can be applied for under the following assessment schemes (UK and International): And (UK only): Approved Innovation credits may also be included in schemes run by National Scheme Operators (NSO). Please check in the relevant NSO manuals for availability.
13-Feb-2024 - Updated to include BREEAM Infrastructure

01 Scope – types of innovation credits - KBCN0457

There are two types of innovation credits available in BREEAM; Further details regarding the above can be found in the relevant scheme documents (available for download at www.breeam.com) and from the appointed BREEAM Assessor for your project.

02 Applications – application form - KBCN0462

The Approved Innovation application form BF1033 can be downloaded from here. It must be completed by the appointed BREEAM Assessor for the project that is seeking the approved innovation credit, and a copy of the form plus any supporting documents must then be emailed to [email protected] by the BREEAM Assessor.
Updated 18.03.2019

02 Applications – common reasons for unsuccessful submissions - KBCN0482

An application may not be successful for a number of reasons. Examples include:
  1. The technology/process/method may already be established and in use and therefore not considered 'innovative'.
  2. The innovation may already be recognised, directly on indirectly, via existing BREEAM assessment issues (whether through the standard or exemplary assessment criteria).
  3. The technology/process/method may not offer a sustainability benefit for the development being assessed.
  4. The application form may not have been completed correctly and/or a robust enough case made for consideration in one or more key sections of the form.
  5. A commitment to publicise the innovation to relevant stakeholders may not have been made within the application.
  6. If the Innovation Application process is seen solely as a method for boosting a developments BREEAM score and real innovation has not been robustly considered and demonstrated then it is likely that approval will not be gained.

02 Applications – judging an approved innovation application - KBCN1399

BREEAM approved innovation applications are judged against the definition in KBCN1275. The steps and timescales for reviewing a BREEAM approved innovation application are given in KBCN1398.
13-Feb-2024 - Previous content now incorporated into KBCN1275 and KBCN1398. Duplicate content removed.

02 Applications – multiple submissions over similar time frames - KBCN0495

Where multiple similar Approved Innovation applications being submitted together over similar period, and no single project can claim sole credit for the innovation either through: BRE Global will make a case-by-case judgement on how best to recognise approval. In the second scenario, please ensure that all related BREEAM assessment registrations are listed correctly within the application form.

02 Applications – previously approved innovations - KBCN0466

A list of all approved applications can be found here. If an innovation has previously been approved but is not included on the published list, or a similar / identical application has previously been submitted and was unsuccessful then we will alert the applicant to this on receipt of their application. The applicant will be given the option of continuing with their submission or withdrawing it. Should the applicant choose to withdraw their application no fee will be charged for the submission. A BREEAM credit for a successful Approved Innovation is typically based on a single use for one assessment. Previously approved innovations cannot be awarded on any other projects, except where the new Approved Innovation demonstrates significant improvements over those outlined in the original application, and these improvements could be considered innovative in themselves. In this case the application may still be considered by BRE Global for further review. In all cases the Approved Innovation application process must be followed in order to robustly demonstrate and confirm additional or renewed innovation status.  

03 Process – review, appeals and fees - KBCN0480

BREEAM Assessors should consult the Innovation Application Form (BF1033) found here, which provides guidance on application review procedures and associated time frames. BRE Global technical consultants will not be able to comment on the likelihood of the success of an application without going through the full application and peer-review process. The final decision will be communicated to the BREEAM Assessor by email. Appeals against any decision should be made by the BREEAM Assessor in accordance with BRE Global’s appeals procedures, which are available on request. The decision made on any appeal is final. For information on application fees, please consult fee sheet FS036, found here.
Updated 18.03.2019

Approved BREEAM Innovation Applications - KBCN1268

The table below lists the Innovation Applications that BRE Global has approved where permission has been given to publish the information. For the BREEAM Innovation Application form please refer to BREEAM Projects here (Licensed assessors only). In most cases the aim shown has been copied from the Innovation Application Form that was submitted by the assessor, however in some cases this has been edited for clarity or brevity. Comments in square brackets [] indicate BRE comment where necessary. The approved innovations are listed, so that before making an innovation application, an assessor can check whether the innovation they are proposing has been previously approved. If it has been approved, an innovation application should not be submitted. An approved innovation can only be used once (to award an innovation credit) for the projects agreed through the innovation application. Key: NC – BREEAM New Construction (UK and International) RFO – BREEAM Non-Domestic Refurbishment and Fit (UK and International) DR – BREEAM UK Domestic Refurbishment COM – BREEAM Communities INF – BREEAM Infrastructure (formerly CEEQUAL) INF-P – BREEAM Infrastructure Pilot (UK and International) NSO – BREEAM National Scheme Operator Advanced searching: You should be able to search within this document using Ctrl + F in your browser. For more detailed manipulation and sorting you can copy the table into Excel.
Date of decision Scheme Innovation title Summary of innovation
15-Oct-24 INF Method for fabrication and assembly of steel bridges The innovation is based on using an automated and robotized laser beam (LBW) and laser-arc hybrid welding (LAHW), which are attractive joining methods of medium thickness plates in a single pass welding technique.
02-Aug-24 NC E-slab system A pre-fabricated low-carbon floor construction slab that integrates the benefits from multiple products into a single system. It’s exposed surface offers thermal mass benefits in controlling internal temperatures. It is modular and de-mountable, integrating electrical and ventilation services and connections that can be easily adjusted or disassembled by facilities management without construction equipment to meet changing layouts and to simplify refurbishments. It’s integration largely eliminates ducting and associated infrastructure, resulting in reduced floor to ceiling heights, simplified construction and reduced overall embodied carbon impact.
07-Jun-24 INF Systematic pre-grouting for waterproofing of railway tunnel to omit inner lining The proposed innovation is a method of pre-excavation grouting of tunnels in rock to achieve water proofing and avoid the need for a secondary concrete lining. The method reduces the volume of excavated rock as well as the resources used for the tunnel lining.
18-Dec-23 NC Concrete made of 100% recycled aggregate Concrete made of 100% recycled aggregate based on patented know-how. Full replacement of natural aggregate (NA) in concrete with recycled aggregate (RA) made of construction demolition waste (CDW).
18-Dec-23 NSO Advanced leak detection system The innovation aims to reduce the environmental impact and costs associated with water leakages by early and precise mitigation. The innovation is a comprehensive, integrated system for moisture monitoring in buildings. An algorithm is used to interpret input data from sensor nodes (and adjust for weather conditions, relative humidity, and residual moisture) to precisely detect leakages in the building fabric.
24-Oct-23 RFO Using AirRated Design and Operation as a key part of building management in the project Using AirRated D&O to inform the design, committing to using AirRated post-construction to check/validate the design, and committing to complete monthly AirScore assessments post-construction.
16-Aug-23 NSO Dynamic Glass Combination of electrochromism and foil insulation elements that are controlled by wireless control units, self-served from solar panels. This facade system provides heat protection in a lightweight format without reducing insulating ability.
24-Feb-23 RFO Tuneable white lighting (dynamic lighting control based on site-specific spectral measurements) A lighting system with the “intelligence” necessary to be able to recognise local sky/natural light conditions occurring at the project site and the ability to adjust the performance of each luminaire to address these conditions – including augmenting the impact, quality, and reach of natural light, reducing lighting energy use where possible, and producing a diverse, dynamic working environment with a strong focus on human needs and preferences.
18-Jan-23 RFO Maximising the on-site reuse of structural steel sections An innovative approach to maximise the amount of deconstructed steel that can be reused on-site (on a proposed building extension) by using ribbon cutting and a specifically developed computer optimisation program.
18-Jan-23 NC Archaeological mitigation The use of detailed three-dimensional modelling and a common BIM data environment to reduce the percentage loss of significant archaeology to less than 3% by area in a historic city centre site, including the effect of services. The outcomes were corroborated by an archaeologist through on-site inspections, a watching brief, and planned archaeological interventions.
15-Aug-22 NC Concrete pile foundation impression tool An innovative impression tool to create indentations within the shafts of bored concrete piles. The use of this tool significantly enhances shaft friction and loading capacity, reducing pile length and volume of concrete used, while minimising additional construction time.
11-Mar-22 RFO Reconditioned lighting Applying circular economy principles through the re-use of lighting from another fit-out by carefully stripping out of lighting and working with the manufacturer to renew the light fittings’ warranty.
21-Sep-21 NC Building materials passport created via development of a parametric translation process. To create a large scale, practical application of a whole building materials passport using existing BIM data. This data was not initially created with the end intention for use as a building materials passport, and a parametric translation script was developed to convert data into the correct format. The parametric translation script has the potential to allow building materials passports to be created for many other existing assets, and the learnings from the project can inform the future development and standardisation of materials passports.
20-May-21 NC Mitigation of noise from rooftop play area on the teaching areas below in a school A school has a rooftop play area and another multi-use games area. Both areas will incorporate enhanced construction features to mitigate noise sources on the teaching areas below each space. The impact performance of the rooftop play and multi-use games area significantly exceeds the impact performance requirements of BB93.
18-Feb-21 INF Hydrogen fuel cell for off-grid construction site power Demonstrate use of a 250 kW hydrogen-fuel-cell-powered electrical power unit to provide heat and power to temporary construction site welfare facilities. Reduce carbon emissions and avoid local air pollution from running a diesel powered generator.
01-Oct-20 NC Collection of urine from toilets to produce fertiliser With an innovative recycling method, valuable nutrients recovered from urine can be made into fertiliser. As well as conserving natural resources, this reduces water pollution. Urine will be collected from toilets and treated separately from the rest of wastewater within the asset. The urine is then converted into fertiliser in three steps: 1) stabilisation of urine, 2) concentration of urine, 3) removal of micro pollutants.
24-Mar-20 NC Single-use plastic tracker The innovation is to eliminate single-use plastics (SUPs) in the construction industry. The innovation focuses on SUPs packaging, during manufacturing, delivery, on site storage of the materials to be used at the project, as well as at SUPs usage on site for welfare purposes. The single-use plastics tracker will be used to help monitor and report the use of SUPs in the construction project in order to ultimately eliminate these as much as possible and use appropriate alternatives.
02-Mar-20 NSO A blue-green roof system This proposal offered geo-technical benefits for storm water attenuation and surface water run-off management, and ecological benefits for local biodiversity while managing unique engineering and ecological challenges in widely varying extreme weather conditions. The thorough testing and accurate reporting of results demonstrated offer value to the wider industry.
11-Feb-20 NC A mechanically bonded, fully flexible, floor plate The application relates to the use of mechanically bonded CLT floor plates. This offered flexibility to the building occupier to adjust the floor layout to suit their needs including meeting acoustic and loading requirements.
20-Jan-20 NC Monitoring of all water discharge points in building A pilot programme to install and test a new water management system (WMS) with IoT (Internet of Things) integration capable of monitoring and measuring all building water discharge points, both at a building and portfolio level. This system achieves a level of monitoring granularity exceeding any previously known capabilities with a range of benefits for operational water consumption and health & safety.
08-Jan-20 NC Material defect early warning system A very early detection system via patented hydrosensor cables linked to BMS, capable of detecting minute water ingress (water vapour). The system aims to improve building fabric resilience and reduce material waste and labour through preventing large scale remedial works resulting from late detection of damage and defects.
20-Nov-19 NC Reflected glare assessment study A reflected glare assessment and mitigation study carried out to evaluate the potential risk of reflected solar glare issues from glazed façade or area of metal cladding affecting neighbouring streets.
08-Nov-18 RFO Intelligent Building Management System (iBMS) To create a fully integrated digital platform for the operation and maintenance of the building, integrating the 3D BIM viewer, digital O&Ms, real time data monitoring and Computer-Aided-FM systems.
25-Oct-18 NC Commitment Agreement process To implement a robust ‘Commitment Agreement’ process, to target, manage and deliver a building that is verified as low energy using in operation.
16-Oct-18 RFO 3D printing 3D-print secure chutes for confidential paper bins, to solve workplace performance gap operational issues with a minimal environmental impact. This method of construction is quicker, cheaper and more resource efficient.
26-Sep-18 NC Waste heat from cooling system used to heat domestic hot water in Mixed Use building. Recover of waste heat rejected by the cooling system of the non domestic part of the building to heat domestic hot water for residential part of the building.
04-Sep-18 NC Water positive building A project designed to provide 100% of all sanitary and drinking water use from filtered rainwater captured on site. By capturing and storing more than the projected consumption levels, it is completely self-sufficient in terms of water use even in a severe drought scenario.
03-Sep-18 NC Evaporative cooling system using recycled rainwater. The aims of this innovation are threefold:- • Reduction of carbon emissions • Reduction of energy use • Reduction of potable water usage
06-Jun-18 NC Rainwater recovery from stormwater A significant reduction in municipal water consumption arising from construction through the use of water from a storm-water pumping station.
02-May-18 NC EPD development at the point of construction product procurement To create a mechanism for EPD development where one did not exist before, i.e. at the point of construction product procurement
20-Apr-18 NC Enhanced ventilation with no increase in the main plant size. Aimed to provide enhanced ventilation without increasing the size of the  main plant.
14-Mar-18 NC Forest protection To voluntarily designate a large area of land designated for development under local planning regulations as protected forest, and to voluntarily put in place legal enforcement and protection to maintain this. [This approved innovation sets an important legal precedent in the country of assessment and local context, and the credit was awarded on this basis].
09-Mar-18 RFO Monitoring of internal elements at a building user level To provide insights of temperature, humidity, air pressure, light level, and air quality at a building user granularity, promoting health and wellbeing of staff, HVAC and lighting system operational performance.
01-Feb-18 RFO Construction site operatives cycle to work To promote operatives working on the construction site to cycle to work, by providing necessary facilities and an incentive scheme, to promote healthy commutes and reduce transportation emissions.
31-Jan-18 RFO Automated maintenance algorithm Automated maintenance regimes that sense, diagnose and report faults before they become failures.
03-Nov-17 RFO Location tracking of people within the building. Location tracking of people within the building for building operation management and wayfinding for occupants, visitors and engineers.
11-Oct-17 NC Use of recovered rainwater during the drilling and installation of a ground source heat pump system. To significantly reduce potable water used in the drilling and installation of the ground source heat pump system by approximately 2.6 million litres (once borehole works are completed later this year).
13-Sep-17 RFO Early appointment of the Facilities Management team Exceptional early appointment of the facilities team. This enables the FM team to influence design, procurement decisions and the development of practical maintenance information.
31-Jul-17 NC AIMS system within the BIM model To establish the use of an Asset Information Management System (AIMS) which will include specific information relating to BREEAM credits for each maintainable item.
17-May-17 COM Methodology to reduce Transport Carbon Emissions To significantly reduce transport carbon emissions attributable to construction workers engaged on large developments, thus lessening current and future climate change effects.
11-May-17 INF-P Community or commercial value from felled trees To utilise felled timber at its highest value and quality, therefore providing community, economic and environmental benefits.
11-May-17 INF-P Supply of surplus excavated materials to manufacturers To ensure that surplus excavated materials are provided to manufacturers as a replacement for raw materials, therefore using them at their highest value in line with circular economy principles.
28-Feb-17 NC New living hoarding concept A one-year trial of a new ‘living hoarding’ concept with the aim of better understanding its behaviour and usage constraints on a live, dynamic construction site.
01-Feb-17 INF-P Materials efficiency metric To create a metric that contractors should use to demonstrate materials efficiency and reduction in the use of non-renewable virgin materials through the design development and construction process, compared to a baseline established at an early design stage.
18-Oct-16 NC Light weight system based on wire rope Increase material efficiency in order to minimise material use, waste and energy and emissions associated with the production process.
10-Oct-16 NC Virtual room To collect and address comments from the project's stakeholders after they are invited into a virtual room where designs can be observed in augmented reality.
07-Jun-16 NC Electrical Energy Storage facility To facilitate the uptake of renewable energy sources, manage the supply and demand of the building and avoid/defer future network reinforcements to meet demand by incorporating energy storage.
16-Dec-15 NC Demand based ventilation control To reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions and improve indoor environmental quality by highly accurate sampling and analysis of air quality, and responsive targeted ventilation.
21-Jul-15 NC Reduced Carbon lead source of heat power To reduce the carbon footprint of the office building by integrating  wood fuel powered syngas CHP as the lead source of heat and power in the building.
14-May-15 NC Case study on productivity Quantifying the gains and costs of a truly sustainable  BREEAM office building on the long-term as best practice example for the client's offices through out Europe.
29-Jan-15 NC Occupancy Level Tracker Track occupancy levels in the building through individual's movements. Use this information to refine control of services, increasing building efficiency. Inform occupants through a 3D model showing patterns of use.
29-Jan-15 NC Heat transfer experiment Actively inform occupants and visitors about how the building works, particularly in relation to heat transfer. Compare actual performance with the dynamic simulation model and fine-tune according to the feedback.
16-Sep-14 NC Breathing building To provide natural (mixed mode) ventilation to increase occupancy health and wellbeing, through a 'breathing building' approach with increased fresh air rates and utilising adaptive comfort models.
16-Sep-14 NC Bespoke integrated ceiling panels To demonstrate reduction in the energy required for cooling by using a bespoke ceiling panel which includes a cooling component, lighting and acoustic absorption.
19-Jun-14 NC Reduction of whole lifecycle impacts of air conditioning To reduce the whole life cycle impacts of the air conditioning equipment through: - Reduced replacement of parts - Increased life expectancy - Reduced risk of refrigerant leaks - Improved energy efficiency
19-Jun-14 NC Vacuum drainage Development and specification of a vacuum drainage system (UK First - commercial office) in conjunction with recycled water, eliminating the need for mains water in the building for flushing purposes.
19-Jun-14 NC Cooling tower water recycling To demonstrate the use of recycled water for heat rejection at cooling towers to reduce the use of potable mains water.
24-Apr-14 NC Sustainability submittals To work with the supply chain to consider sustainability at tender stage by bringing to the attention of the contractors the minimum sustainability criteria for each individual construction package. Encourage further improvements to be offered by the contractors where possible.
07-Jun-13 NC BIM for Performance Management To explore the effectiveness of BIM for performance management of non-domestic buildings, using the assessed building as a case study.
07-Jun-13 NC Impact of extreme climate change on passive design measures - thermal comfort To assess the potential impact of extreme climate on passive design measures and how building management regimes can help adapt the building and its occupants for thermal comfort.
01-May-13 NC Smarter Cooling To significantly improve the robustness of engineering systems serving controlled environments such as constant temperature rooms. This has the potential to reduce material waste and energy waste.
03-Apr-13 NC Zero Waste to Landfill To achieve zero non-hazardous waste to landfill through careful planning and site management involving collaborative working with the entire project team, including designers, waste carrier, sub-contractors, manufacturers and supply chain engagement followed by intricate review.
17-Dec-12 NC Building App To educate students and visitors to the site on the performance of the building.
15-Oct-12 NC Electric Car Scheme To introduce an electric car scheme to the development in order to further reduce carbon emissions associated with the assessed development and the new head quarters.
05-Oct-12 NC Climate Change Risk Analysis Tool To provide information on the climatic risks that the building will face in the future, allow resources to be targeted most effectively to mitigate these climatic risks.
20-Jul-12 NC Climate Change Adaptation Report To undertake a Climate Change Adaptation report and implement its recommendations to future proof the development and its operations, as well as provide a case study for future adaptation against climate change.
25-Jul-11 NC Recycled and secondary aggregates To recognise and encourage the greater use of recycled and secondary aggregates in construction, thereby reducing the demand for virgin material.
28-Jan-11 NC Control of waterborne bacteria A water-efficient solution for the control and prevention of conditions which allow for the presence of Legionella and other waterborne bacteria.
28-Jan-11 NC Provision of real time energy use display To reduce energy consumption within every flat, to promote energy efficiency across the development and to educate occupants in the benefits of energy saving and renewable technology.
01-Dec-09 NC Facilities for low-emitting and fuel-efficient vehicles To reduce pollution and land development impacts from vehicle use by encouraging the use of Alternative Fuel Vehicles for short journeys.

Definition and principles – Approved Innovations - KBCN1275


A BREEAM Approved Innovation is a one-time recognition for an innovative technology or process that meets five principles: Recognition for an approved innovation is only ever awarded once and cannot be recognised again. This recognition extends across all our schemes, and all territories. Approved innovations are listed in KBCN1268. The approved innovations process does not certify the technology or process itself. See KBCN0450. Approved innovations are only available in specific BREEAM schemes. See KBCN0463.


1. Uniqueness

Approved innovations are unique. We independently research and consider all precedents. Precedents can come from anywhere in the world and from any project; precedents are not limited to projects with BREEAM assessments. Proposed innovations must represent an entirely new precedent or a significant advancement on an existing or emerging trend in industry.

2. Benefit

Approved innovations create measurable sustainability benefits. The benefits can be environmental, economic, or social.

3. Performance

Approved innovations result in performance above or beyond existing BREEAM benchmarks. They are either: To ensure a consistent approach we check benchmarks across all our schemes, not just the scheme being used to assess the project.

4. Replicability

Approved innovations are repeatable elsewhere on other projects. The technology or process cannot be a single, niche application.

5. Dissemination (knowledge sharing)

Knowledge and learning from approved innovations must be shared with the wider industry, not kept confidential. The ultimate outcome for a successful application is to be a potential catalyst for wider change in the industry – replicability and knowledge sharing are essential for this.


[accordion] [accordion_block title="Uniqueness"] Is this proposed innovation unique and first of its kind in the world? If no, then how is the application of the technology, design, or process innovative for the local context? [/accordion_block] [accordion_block title="Benefit"] Does the proposed innovation provide a measurable environmental, economic, or social benefit to the asset being assessed? [/accordion_block] [accordion_block title="Performance"] Does the impact of the proposed innovation go beyond the scope of existing BREEAM criteria? Or does it exceed exemplary BREEAM benchmarks by a significant margin? [/accordion_block] [accordion_block title="Replicability"] Is it practical to replicate this proposed innovation on other projects? [/accordion_block] [accordion_block title="Dissemination (knowledge sharing)"] Will the lessons learned from this proposed innovation be shared with the wider industry? [/accordion_block] [/accordion]


An Approved Innovation is designed to recognise innovative technologies or processes that meet the above definition. Successful applications: The requirements for a successful application are set high. For this reason, many applications are not successful and do not pass the review process. Common reasons for unsuccessful applications are given in KBCN0482. However, failing to pass the review process is no reflection on the positive aspirations or efforts of project teams. Even if applications are unsuccessful and not eligible for an approved innovation credit, they can still realise beneficial outcomes for projects and the wider industry. If you believe that a proposed innovation meets the principles above, please send us an application using the application form (BF1033). The process and timescales for approved innovation applications are described in KBCN1398.
13-Feb-2024 - Updated to clarify definition and principles and incorporate information previously included in KBCN1399. Added links to relevant KBCNs.

Process and timescales – Approved Innovations - KBCN1398


Applications for Approved Innovations are made by completing and returning the application form (BF1033), which is available on BREEAM Projects to licensed assessors. Applications for an Approved Innovation go through a two-stage review process: The process is shown in the diagram below and described in the following sections.


Stage 1 review
  1. On receipt of an application form (BF1033), BRE Global will carry out an administrative review to ensure that the application is valid and that the assessor holds a valid and current licence. Any applications from non-licensed assessors or third parties will not be considered beyond this point.
  2. A consultant will then:
    • Check the proposed innovation meets the five principles outlined in KBCN1275.
    • Compare the application against any existing precedents identified in section 3.1 of the application form (BF1033) and any precedents identified from independent research.
    • Check the application against BRE Global’s existing database for similar, previous applications.
  3. During this process, the consultant may contact the assessor or project technical contact for further information.
  4. The consultant will review all applicable information and return a feedback form to the assessor with one of three outcomes:
    • Further information required: insufficient information has been provided in the application. Please follow the consultant’s request for any further information to allow the application to be progressed until one of the two outcomes below is reached.
    • Withdraw application: the application does not meet the requirements, and no further action will be taken. The fee for ‘initial review’ (as outlined in fee sheet FS036) is charged to the assessor organisation.
    • Progress to Stage 2: the application is potentially innovative, and further review by a relevant expert is required. A combined fee for ‘initial review’ AND ‘peer review and decision’ is charged, which enables BRE Global to appoint a relevant specialist for the Stage 2 review.
Stage 2 review
  1. If the application is deemed potentially innovative:
    • The consultant will seek to appoint an independent expert in the relevant field of the innovation to review the innovation. If the innovation spans more than one area of expertise, multiple experts will be appointed as required. All experts will be required to declare any conflicts of interest, and to sign a confidentiality agreement to maintain data protection.
    • The expert(s) will liaise directly with the project technical contact listed in section 1.3 of the application form (BF1033) to determine whether the application is innovative.
  2. The review will result in a recommendation for approval or rejection, together with a justification for that decision.
  3. BRE Global will prepare a report setting out a clear recommendation, with the final decision and report communicated with the Assessor by email. If approved, a short anonymised paragraph summarising the aim of the innovation will be added to the list of Approved Innovations in KBCN1268.


Stage 1 review BRE Global will aim for feedback to be sent back to the assessor within 10 working days from the receipt of the application. If the feedback is ‘further information required’ this timescale does not apply. Stage 2 review The stage 2 review cannot begin until: Due to the unique nature of innovation applications, a relevant expert will not always be available immediately to begin the review. BRE Global will endeavour to locate and appoint a suitable expert(s) within 20 working days of the Stage 1 feedback being sent out to the assessor. Once an expert has been appointed, BRE Global will try to reach a decision within 20 working days, however, this timescale is subject to the expert’s review of the innovation and information requested being provided promptly by the project technical contact.


Fees are charged to cover the costs of administering and reviewing applications. Details of the charge are set out in the BREEAM Fee Sheet (FS036). Fees are non-refundable. For simultaneous applications involving multiple registrations, an additional fee may be charged based on the complexity of the application.
13-Feb-2024 - Updated to include overview and add relevant links.

Information correct as of 27thOctober 2024. Please see kb.breeam.com for the latest compliance information.