4 Operational

Information correct as of 27thOctober 2024. Please see kb.breeam.com for the latest compliance information.

A new approach to BREEAM Quality Assurance- April 2023 update - KBCN1467

Assessments should only be submitted for QA when the assessor is confident that the information in them is, to the best of their knowledge, 100% accurate and it contains detailed assessor notes identifying how the issue has been assessed and referring to specific criteria and compliance notes, as well as including locational referencing. Therefore, where an QA audit identifies a high number of Non-Conformances (NCs), or continued lack of improvement our halting process and charges will come into effect. For additional details on this process, please refer to the original communication (Email sent on 14 March 2023 and the February 2023 Process Note).

Halting Process & QA Failure Charge

When an assessment reaches 12 NCs, the audit will be halted, with no further issues being audited during that submission. This applies to both resubmissions and first submissions.
What does this mean?
For first submissions, it will mean that some issues within the audit which have been selected for audit have not yet been reviewed. For resubmission where the previous submission had 12NCs or more, it will mean that some issues within the audit which previously received feedback will have not have been reaudited due to the halt being applied within the current submission. Any issues which have not yet been reaudited, will include the following note 'This issue has not been reaudited within this submission due to 12NCs halt being applied.' When the assessment is resubmitted, it is expected that all of the QA feedback is actioned and implemented throughout the assessment, including for issues which have not currently been reviewed. If this means resubmitting updated evidence for the assessed issues and also for the issues that are still to be assessed then please do so.
What happens when resubmitting?
For first submissions, the 12 issues with NCs raised will be reaudited. If the total number of NCs have reduced, the remaining issues selected for audit will now also be audited, however if the assessment reaches 12NCs again, the assessment will once again be halted, and this will trigger the QA Audit Failure charge to be applied and invoiced on the next submission. For third submissions and onwards, upon receipt, the QA Audit Failure charge (see fee sheet) will be invoiced and the 12 issues with NCs raised will be reaudited. If the total number of NCs have reduced, the remaining issues selected for audit will now also be audited, however if the assessment reaches 12NCs again, the assessment will once again be halted.
We recognise that for assessors first assessment under a new scheme, a higher level of support is required therefore the halting process will not be applied for them, until their second submission of that assessment. At which point, the above process will apply.
Multiple submission with the same NCs & QA Failure Resubmission Charge
When QA feedback is issued, it is expected that the assessor makes sufficient updates to the assessment and/or supporting documentation to ensure that the NCs raised are reduced. Where the assessor feels there is a lack of clarity with the QA feedback, a query should be raised and resolved prior to formally resubmitting. A full review of the issues should be completed prior to resubmitting to ensure that the QA feedback has been fully addressed, and the assessor comments clearly clarifying how this has been done. Therefore, when an assessment is submitted three or more times, with each audit resulting in the same number of NCs being identified, the QA Failure Resubmission charge (Please refer to Fee Sheet) will be applied. Please refer to the below graphic highlighting the process which is applicable for an audit carried out from 1 April 2023. The current prices for charges mentioned above are included in the latest Fee Sheets (FS036 and FS021) which are available on BREEAM Projects.    

A new approach to provide a better QA service - KBCN1449


For more than two decades the BREEAM Quality Assurance Team has been supporting the certification process by reviewing the documentation submitted by our assessors for UK and international projects. This process must balance many parameters and maintain the credibility of our BREEAM brand and the reputation of our clients. Furthermore, given the continuous development of the construction industry and our BREEAM standards, BREEAM QA has had to evolve accordingly.

Why are we making these changes?

Over recent years, it has become evident that we need to make certain improvements to how we operate, for the benefit of our assessor network and all parties involved. This is clearly demonstrated by the large number of resubmissions and assessments that generate a high number of non-conformances we receive. The BREEAM QA process should not be used as a checking service. We need to ensure that the standards are not compromised. Since we are only reviewing a sample of the assessments and the issues within, there is a need to elevate the quality of all assessments to an acceptable level. Based on our data, collected over several months, the ratio of resubmissions to first submissions is 3:2 (60% resubmissions vs 40% initial submission of the overall assessments received). When considering the overall number of non-conformances, almost a quarter of all assessment submissions generate more than 7 findings. The data shows the need to ensure that the quality of the assessments is uplifted and the whole QA team's time is used productively, reviewing assessments which meet the expected level of quality. By increasing productivity and the number of qualified auditors, the BREEAM QA Team has reduced the QA timescales from 8 weeks in Summer 2020 down to 4 weeks by late Autumn 2020. As part of our continued drive to maintain and improve the QA turnaround times, we are now putting in place a new process, which we feel has many benefits. This new approach will contribute to maintaining and further reducing our timescales.

What changes are being made?

From 1st April 2021, submissions for all BREEAM Schemes will be audited as follows:
 First Submission
This is subject to the following two trigger points. If either is met, the audit will be halted and feedback issued. The assessor must then update the entire assessment, implementing the feedback throughout.
  1. There are 12 Non-Conformances (a combination of Minor and up to 2 Major NCs)
  1. There are 3 Major NCs – the audit will be reviewed by a senior member of the Quality Assurance Team. If all the Major NCs are confirmed, the audit will be halted, as above.
Note: To account for newly qualified assessors, the above approach will not be applied to an assessor’s first audit under a given BREEAM Scheme.
When the assessment is resubmitted, it is expected that all the QA feedback be actioned. The NCs are re-audited along with the remaining issues. Where the number of NCs after the re-audit remains unacceptably high, BRE will implement charges to such resubmissions.

When does this come into effect?

The new approach will be effective from 1st April 2021. There are no additional requirements for submissions, other than those described above. These changes are not expected to affect most assessments; especially those which are on reduced checking levels. This approach is intended to reward consistently good submissions.

How we will support you?

In our December Process Note, we outlined our plan to keep QA timescales low, along with our aim to reduce them even further. We aim to consistently maintain those and fulfil our promise to all relevant parties. We have compiled a document including several Frequently Asked Questions, to help answer any queries that may arise from the implementation of this new approach. Furthermore, our team has produced an Assessor Awareness Module, where additional guidance is provided on the impacts of low-quality assessments and what can be done for these to be improved. This free module is offered for free by BRE Academy.

Access to HQM Logos, Marks and Badges - KBCN0995

All licensed HQM assessors should have access to the HQM ‘Logos, Marks and Badges Folder’ via BREEAM Projects

Adding a scheme or assessor to an existing licence agreement - KBCN0728

In order to add a scheme or assessor to an existing licence agreement it is necessary to complete a BREEAM Licence Application Form which can be obtained from the BREEAM Assessor Guidance folder on BREEAM Projects (if you are an existing assessor) or on request [email protected]. The form should be completed in full and signed by the applicant and also a representative of the company (if different), to confirm the applicant and organisation agrees to accept and abide by the licence terms and conditions. The completed form should then be sent to [email protected] with a valid copy of the Company's Professional Indemnity insurance evidence.  

Addition of credits between stages - KBCN0512

Where credits previously not awarded at the Design Stage are subsequently achieved at the Post Construction stage, these can also be added in, provided sufficient justification and supporting evidence is in place. Full supporting evidence, as required in the technical manual, must be sourced and provided for audit when requested.

Addition of credits between submissions - KBCN0506

Where appropriate, additional credits may be added to an assessment between QA audits, provided sufficient justification and supporting evidence is in place. Full supporting evidence, as required in the technical manual, must be sourced and provided for audit when requested. The BREEAM QA team must be informed, via cover letter/email, that additional credits have been awarded. It is highly likely that any additional credits will then be reviewed as part of the QA of the resubmission.

Amendment of BREEAM certificates - KBCN0507

All BREEAM certificates are issued are based on the information included within the assessment at the point of certification. Where this information is incorrect and an amendment is required, the certificate amendment fee as per FS036 will be applicable. An email must be sent to [email protected] stating the report reference and outlining the amendment. For domestic schemes where a separate certificate is issued for each dwelling, the email must highlight if the amendment is applicable to one or all of the certificates.

Annual Licence Renewals - KBCN0816

Licences are granted on an annual automatic renewal basis. The BREEAM Licensing team will write to the nominated main point of contact at a licensed assessor organisation, the month prior to the renewal, to inform them of the forthcoming renewal. The renewal reminder letter will detail the annual fee applicable for the licences held by the company, at the time of writing, and will also detail the licensed individuals and the licences they hold. If assessors have left or changed qualifications an amendment to your licence agreement and list of assessors will need to be made. Removal of assessors should be requested in writing, for the attention of the licensing team, by emailing [email protected] If you would like to add additional licences or assessors, please complete the licence application and return to BREEAM in order for these changes to come into effect before your renewal date. Any removal of assessors or termination of agreement requires that 30 days written notice is given to BRE Global. Licence fees are non-refundable and no refunds or credits can be given after the annual renewal has been issued. Please be aware that if we do not receive any notice of termination then the licence will renew and the licence fees will be due. Please see BRE Global documents PN173 and PN501 for the terms and conditions of the BREEAM Licence, these documents can be found on BREEAM Projects under ‘BREEAM Assessor Guidance’. Should you have any further queries regarding licence renewals please contact the BREEAM licensing team via [email protected]

Assessment and evidence record keeping - KBCN0521

The licensed organisation is responsible for implementing and maintaining internal quality management procedures for record keeping. Licensed organisations are required to keep all documentation, materials and data (i.e. evidence) associated with all assessments conducted by them for a period of ten years following the submission of the report to BRE Global. BRE Global reserves the right to contact licensed assessor organisations at any point during this ten year period to verify the information/assessment, as required by the rules of our accreditation in cases where certification is challenged. Where requested, the licensee will supply BRE Global with all documents necessary to audit the performance of the assessment. Please note, submitting copies of evidence to BRE Global for quality assurance and certification purposes, whether hard copies or an online upload via BREEAM Projects or other third party BREEAM recognised software, does not release assessors from their obligation to store records of assessment evidence for ten years. BRE Global will use evidence provided by the licensed assessor for the purpose of making a certification decision, we do not keep records of all assessment evidence for ten years once a certification has been made.

Assessment of multi-phase projects - KBCN0432

Where a project will be designed and built in two or more phases, the following rule should be applied: If there is enough information on multiple phases to enable the design stage assessment to be carried out at the same time, it is possible to assess these phases at the design stage in one assessment. At this point you have a choice - either wait for those phases to be constructed before doing one post-construction assessment for the whole project, or do a post-construction stage assessment for each phase. Please note that if you do separate post-construction stage assessments (PCRs), this will require your original registration to be split into the number of phases. A new registration fee applies for any additional registrations, and an additional certification fee will also apply for any additional post-construction stage certificates.
18/10/2016: edited to remove the condition for overlapping phases

Assessment submission via third party FTP upload - KBCN0524

Assessors wishing to make use of third party FTP (file transfer protocol) upload websites for sending assessments and supporting evidence must be aware of the following requirements: Where submissions are made not meeting the above requirements, the assessor may be asked to resubmit the assessment. Assessors are responsible for the security of their data and documentation, including that submitted to BRE Global via third party FTP websites. BRE Global will not accept liability for any issues occurring (including lost or stolen data) as a result of the use of such websites.

Assessors listed on Green Book Live - KBCN00084

Assessors will only be listed on GBL as a licensed assessor once they have successfully completed scheme training and become licensed as an assessor.  

Asset classification – co-living developments - KBCN1568

The following is a guide only. Every co-living project will combine a varying mix of residential with managed spaces, and assessors must in all cases review the suitability of the criteria to determine the most appropriate asset classification. Co-living features Co-living developments generally combine: Classification Using building regulation classifications as a guide As a guide, assessors can also consider how their asset is classified according to local regulations. For UK NC assets, KBCN1225 provides additional clarification:

BREEAM AP/Sustainability Champion validity - KBCN0527

For credits to be awarded for the use of, and the BREEAM AP/Sustainability Champion to appear on the Certificate, the assessor must ensure that the BREEAM AP/Sustainability Champion qualification was valid at the time of appointment, and maintained throughout their involvement in the relevant project stages.

Qualified status is maintained through membership of the relevant schemes, for example the BREEAM AP scheme, and listing on Green Book Live. Evidence demonstrating their status must be collected by the assessor and provided for QA purposes. 

Where an individual’s status has lapsed during the relevant period, or the project has continued for an extended period of time without their involvement, the credits cannot be awarded and they cannot be listed on the BREEAM Certificate.

BREEAM assessment registration process reminders - KBCN0715

All BREEAM assessments (including HQM but excluding CSH and BREEAM In-Use) should be registered using the 'New Assessment Registration' form on BREEAM Projects in 'My Projects'.

BREEAM assessor performing additional roles within the project team - KBCN0403

This is acceptable in certain situations. For more information please refer to the Operations Manual SD5070 available under BREEAM Assessor Guidance on the BREEAM extranet.  

BREEAM In-Use credit purchases via card payment - KBCN1703

Online Payment – Credit/Debit card
The quickest route to obtaining BREEAM In-Use International credits for Measurement, Certification, Renewal and Mid-cycle certification, is to purchase these online and paying by credit/debit card. On successful completion of payment, the credits will be automatically allocated to the account who is logged in. BREEAM Projects

BREEAM In-use credit purchases via invoice payment - KBCN1704

Invoice Payment
If you are unable to purchase credits online using the card payment option, these can be processed via an invoice. You can select invoice on the ‘Purchase credits‘ page within BREEAM Projects and complete the online request form. The request should be completed via the account who will be signing the cost proposal and receiving and paying the invoice. Further instructions and conditions are detailed within the request forms.

BREEAM In-Use QA and Certification explained - KBCN0523

The BREEAM In-Use (BiU) certification scheme was introduced in 2009. Since then we have certified many assessments by a large international network of dedicated and professional assessors. As the success of BREEAM In-Use grows it is appropriate that we review and, where necessary, update the scheme’s quality assurance and certification procedures. This ensures we can collectively maintain and enhance its robustness, improve quality and align with evolving international standards to which we seek accreditation. To support this aim we introduced the following changes to the quality assurance and certification process from February 2015: If one of your assessments is selected for technical audit, you will be informed of this immediately after submission for certification. At this point you will be requested to send in supporting evidence at your earliest convenience. Assessments that have not been selected for a technical audit will undergo administrative checks only, which BRE Global will undertake within two working days and certification will follow thereafter. The audit programme is designed in such a way that an assessor performing to the required standard can expect a significant majority of their BiU assessments to be selected for administrative checks only, and therefore typically certification will occur within two days for most submissions. Certification of those assessments selected for a technical audit will occur after the assessment has passed the audit process, so the timescale for this will depend on both BRE Global and the assessor. We will inform assessors of the timescale in which they can expect audit feedback for a specific assessment upon acknowledgement of receipt of their submission. We will also publish a service level that we will work to in this respect, so that assessors and their client have a degree of certainty over when they can expect such feedback and, subject to passing the audit, certification. We believe this process for the scheme assists BRE Global and assessors in promoting the independence, robustness and integrity of the scheme to their clients, who will have greater confidence that the certified rating of their asset is an accurate and verified representation of its performance. In turn, this helps us to further differentiate the BiU product in the international market place and increase uptake of the scheme.  

BREEAM Invoicing – making payments - KBCN1460

How to Pay a BRE Global Invoice

Debit/Credit Card: Payments can be made by debit or credit card through the following web address: https://bregroup.com/payment/invoice Bank Transfer: Payments can be made through our bank account.

BREEAM Live Chat – Terms of Use - KBCN1002

The Live Chat service is provided to assessors as a means of contacting the BREEAM Team.  For QA queries, we welcome closing out of very quick and straightforward audit findings through the service, however this should only be in the case of small numbers of findings which can be obviously and objectively closed out quickly (e.g. 2-3 findings maximum, each taking less than 5 minutes discussion).  For Licensing and Registration queries you can contact the team instead of sending an email or phoning, the types of queries that can be answered through live chat are detailed in the June 2018 Process Note. Licence and registration applications cannot be submitted via Live Chat - these should be submitted through the current processes. For technical queries, this is not intended to replace email submissions for complex technical queries, which often require research and consultation within BREEAM to resolve, but should be viewed as an alternative to a telephone hotline, where assessors can seek a quick clarification or reassurance on technical matters. If you have already submitted a written query to BREEAM Technical and are awaiting a response, please do not chase this up on Live Chat. For further guidance, please refer to the September 2018 Process Note. For all types of queries, we expect conversations to last no more than 20 minutes maximum. In order to provide this service whilst still delivering BREEAM services to the assessor network, it is unlikely that we will be able to have conversations lasting much longer than this time. Please do not be surprised or offended if at around that time, the person you are speaking to needs to draw the conversation to a close.  Where the person (or team) you require speaking to is not available due to not being at their desk or any other reason, we will inform you and where possible let you know when they are next likely to be available. Please be understanding of this - it is important you speak to the right person, but there is always a reasonable chance they are not available.  BRE Global reserves the right to suspend or withdraw this service at any time and without prior notice. It is offered for free at the current time and does not constitute any part of the contractual service delivered by BRE Global as part of the licence agreement.   Where assessors are found to misuse the service (including but not limited to: Consistently raising inappropriate queries, going over the 20 minute maximum time on a frequent basis, allowing others to login as the assessor or being rude and/or abusive towards those answering your queries), the Live Chat service will be withdrawn permanently from that individual.

BREEAM Local Groups - KBCN0744

There are several BREEAM Local Groups run by licenced assessors who like to meet up and connect with other BREEAM licence holders locally. Creating a new Local Group is relatively simple and commonly done via the BREEAM Forum where there are some tips and some guidance available. Each existing local group also has a forum sub-forum. If you want a sub forum for your local group then simply let BRE know and we will set this up.

BREEAM Logos, Marks and Badges - KBCN1347

BREEAM licensed assessors can access BREEAM logos, marks and badges from their BREEAM Projects account. All logos, marks and badges have specific rules for use. Before using any of the BREEAM symbols, assessors should refer to the BREEAM Logo and Marks Guidance and Rules for Use document PN235 – which can be found in the licensing documentation. The BREEAM logos and marks are available from BREEAM Projects in Logos Marks and Badges folder. To obtain approval for any print media use of the marks and logos and to confirm the recognition text that is to be included on the Badge of Recognition, please email [email protected]

If you require confirmation of your Company Licence Number or Assessor Number please submit a request to the BREEAM Licensing team by email to [email protected]


BREEAM Online Password Security - KBCN0742

As a UKAS accredited and ISO 9001 certified scheme, BREEAM strives to maintain the security of our assessors when they access BREEAM information via BREEAM online systems. We would like to remind assessors of their responsibility to keep their BREEAM login details secure. The BREEAM login provides access to a variety of different websites and systems and should only be used by the licensed assessor to which the login has been issued. BREEAM Projects and BREEAM In-Use online systems are used as portals for accessing BREEAM information and tools, registering and submitting BREEAM assessments, and obtaining Green Guide ratings. To maintain security you must not disclose your login details to other individuals, even within the same organisation. We also advise you to change your passwords regularly. If you are aware that others know your login details, please change them immediately to ensure that your access to these accounts remains secure.

BREEAM Plaques and Banners - KBCN1222

From December 2018 we are pleased to announce the launch of a new portal for ordering building plaques and framed certificates for certified assessments. Showcasing a new style of crafted plaques made with either recycled glass, or produced using UK sourced oak with the Grown in Britain label, and a new certificate frame and framing service, using FSC certified materials. The option to now pay online makes the process of ordering faster and simpler than before, for you and your clients. Hoarding banners have now relocated from the BRE Bookshop to the BREEAM Store for use during the construction phase. Please visit BREEAM Store for more information and to make an order.

BREEAM Projects – changing assessment type - KBCN0954

When starting an assessment which is supported by a BREEAM Projects online tool, the system will ask you if you wish for it to be a Design Stage or Post Construction Stage (PCA). To change the assessment type at a later stage, please contact the Registrations team. For information on how to start a Post Construction Review (PCR) assessment in BREEAM Projects, please see KBCN0727.

BREEAM Projects vs Extranet - KBCN0814

If you are a licence holder in BREEAM you will have access to both the BREEAM Extranet and BREEAM Projects. BREEAM Projects contains all the same documents as the extranet and it follows the same structure as the extranet within the 'Documents and Tools' tab in 'My Projects'. BREEAM Projects is now used as the main website where we publish new documents and we are phasing out the use of the extranet. We are making further improvements to BREEAM Projects and recommend that assessors use Projects as the main site to register and manage assessments and access tools and documentation (otherwise they may not benefit from the enhancements to the site as they are developed).

BREEAM Recognised Software and BREEAM Projects - KBCN0514

BREEAM Recognised Software may be used to compile assessment data and evidence for submission for schemes which must be submitted via BREEAM Projects, at the current time. If you wish to use one of these, the referencing document and a zip file containing the evidence from the approved system must then be uploaded within the BREEAM Projects assessment tool.

Browse button not showing when uploading evidence - KBCN1117

If when you go to upload evidence using the BREEAM Projects Report/Evidence upload facility and the browse button is missing, you will need to update your Adobe Flash Player to an up to date version. To update your Adobe Flash Player you will need to update through your browser settings or system control panel depending on which browser you use. You may need to contact your system administrator to make these changes. If the assessment is compatible with using a BREEAM Projects online tool then all evidence and scoring and reporting tools should be uploaded within the BREEAM Projects online tool for the assessment - which does not require Adobe Flash Player. If you have installed Adobe and the browse button is still not showing follow the instructions is KBNC1163. If your project is not compatible with BREEAM Projects online tool (see KBCN1069) then evidence can be uploaded using third party FTP sites. Please see KBCN0524 for our requirements when using third party FTP sites.  

Browse button on upload facility not showing - KBCN1163

If after following instructions in KBCN1117  the Browse button is still not showing you will need to change your site security settings. Instructions below are for Google Chrome, if you are using IE or Firefox then update the site security settings for these browsers through the settings options. If using Google chrome go to the page that is missing the browse button and click on ‘Secure’ in the address bar. Then click on Flash dropdown which will either say ‘Ask’ or ‘Block’ and change to ‘Allow’ – if flash options don’t appear then you will find it under ‘site settings’. Once changed to 'Allow' you can click the cross to close the settings and the page should have a pop up which says 'Reload'. Reload the page and the browse button should appear.

Can the same individual be licensed at more than one company? - KBCN0712

Yes, upon receipt of a completed Licence Application form sent to [email protected].  A note should be added in Section 6 confirming that this is an additional licence and a separate email address should be supplied for each company licence. Licence fees will also be applicable to the second company you are licensed at as the licences belong to the company and not an individual. Assessors with multiple company licences will be provided with separate login details for each company.  It is the assessor’s responsibility to ensure they are registering, managing and completing the assessment under the correct company and login.

Changing from Design Stage to Post Construction between QA submissions - KBCN0503

It is acceptable for an assessment type to be changed from interim ('Design Stage') to final ('Post Construction') between submissions for QA, i.e. after feedback has been received by the assessor from the BREEAM QA team and before resubmission. When the assessor wishes to do this, the BREEAM QA Team must be informed in advance of resubmitting the assessment. It must also be stated clearly within the cover email/upload notes alongside the resubmission. Upon resubmission of the assessment, a new audit will be carried out due to the change in stage. Therefore, the assessment will be subject to first submission timescales and additional certification fee (in line with FS036) will be applicable.

Changing the project scope (Fully fitted/Shell Only/Shell & Core) between Design Stage certification and Post Construction Review - KBCN0990

The Post Construction Review (PCR) must reflect the Design Stage (DS) in all aspects. If anything changes in terms of the scheme, version, building type, functions, scope, size between DS certification and PCR, then the project cannot have a PCR and would need to be registered as a new Post Construction Assessment (PCA). Therefore if a Shell only/Shell and core project has been certified at the DS, this cannot be changed to Fully fitted at PCR and should go through a PCA. However, only in this specific situation, where it changes from Fully Fitted to Shell and vice versa, the DS registration can be used to submit a PCA. Submitting a PCA against the DS registration will supercede the DS certification and the certificate will be re-issued as a PCA. This will incur the PCA certification fee. Any other changes between DS certification and PCR will need to be registered as a new assessment and can be submitted as a PCA. Queries regarding registrations and PCRs can be directed to the BREEAM Registration team.

Company name changes - KBCN0947

To change the company name on the BREEAM licence agreement we require a licence application to be completed. For company name or address changes it is only necessary to complete sections 2, 5 and 6 with the necessary details and signatures. If the company registration number will be remaining the same you will only be required to complete a BREEAM Licence application form with the legal name change.  The licence renewal date will remain the same. If the company registration number has changed then a new licence agreement will need to be signed as it is a new company. This means it will be necessary to terminate the current licence agreement and all assessors will need to re-apply for a licence with the new company details. Please be aware there will be additional licence, registration and certification costs associated with this. It is the responsibility of the licensed company to ensure that BRE Global is informed of any changes to the licence agreement and licensed assessors. Please contact the BREEAM Licensing team for further information.

Compiling of Site Inspection Reports at the Post Construction stage - KBCN0517

BRE requires that assessors provide a formal, written site inspection report which will act as standalone evidence (separate from the BREEAM assessment), and that this should be referenced as evidence for the applicable credits. The report should contain full details of what has been witnessed on site and which credits/criteria the particular comments relate to, and may include copies of photographs (which are required for many credits as evidence in any case). It is preferable to produce a separate record of the site visit, which can stand as evidence to back up the assessment report. Where an assessor uses their site visit as evidence of compliance they will need to record the following information outlined below as a minimum in a site inspection report: The assessor may feel that it is desirable to record information above and beyond this list, and would be encouraged to do so wherever they feel it is appropriate or necessary to confirm compliance.
08 June 2023 - First paragraph amended to clarify that providing a site inspection report is mandatory.

Confirmation of version / year of technical standards - KBCN0519

When providing evidence of compliance it is important for design teams to clearly refer to the version and / or year of the standard being complied with for an assessment. The issue / release / adoption of standards sets the requirements appropriate at the time of publication of the BREEAM scheme documentation.  A standard may be updated in between BREEAM re-issues and updates so the standard cited in the requirements or the most current version of a standard can be applied. This applies to standards such as National (e.g. British) Standards, HTM documents, Environment Agency and Policy Planning Guidelines etc. Where the current version of the standard differs notably from the cited standard in the manual, it is the role of the assessor or design team to verify that it is equivalent or more robust than the original requirement. Evidence failing to demonstrate this will be result in raising of a non-conformance within QA and will delay certification. See also: KBCN0747 Equivalent standard use
23/08/17 Merged with “Superseded standards and evidence referenced” KBCN0453

Conflicts of Interest statements - KBCN1708

To minimise any risks associated with conflict of interests which may compromise judgement, decisions or outcomes, it is important that any conflict of interest is highlighted as early as possible in the project. The Assessor should identify any work that the assessor, assessor organisation or associated companies are involved in, or any other potential conflict of interests that may arise over the course of the project. There should be a procedure in place to mitigate and manage any such potential risks. The identification of any conflicts, together with a clear plan of how they will be managed on the project, should be submitted to the BRE at the registration stage of assessment; or at an appropriate time thereafter when the potential conflict becomes apparent. A common non-conformance on many assessments relates to conflict of interests with statements either not being provided as part of the QA submission, or the statements not being detailed enough to identify what the conflicts were or address how they have been managed. It is not sufficient to merely state that there was no conflict of interest where a potential conflict is identified, full details as set out in the bullet points below should be included within the assessment. Where the assessor or assessor organisation has performed other roles on the project and/or provided evidence, a conflict of interest statement must always be submitted as part of the QA submission. Where the assessor or assessor organisation plays no other role on the project, no conflict of interest is required to be provided. What should be included: This should be in the form of a signed letter or statement on headed paper, from the assessor to whom the assessment is registered, and should include the following: Assessor involvement on a project: Please note that if the assessor is a member of the company who are producing evidence to demonstrate compliance, there must be clear separation of the roles and the BREEAM assessor must not be personally responsible for producing such evidence. Producing evidence that the Assessor is then checking would be a clear conflict of interest and should therefore be avoided. The exception to the above is where the BREEAM Assessor also acts as the BREEAM AP on the project. This is acceptable and the Assessor is trusted to work in accordance with the Assessor Code of Conduct and ensure that the additional duties do not compromise their integrity and objectivity as the Assessor. BREEAM AP reports documenting their involvement and monitoring and reporting progress are deemed to be acceptable forms of evidence for the Assessor to produce where they are also the BREEAM AP, as this is an advisory role only and they are not undertaking design work or design reports. Licensed assessors can and often will need to advise clients, project teams and asset owners/managers on whether one or more proposed solutions comply and how to interpret assessment criteria for the purpose of determining, designing or proposing compliant solutions. This type of advice does not necessarily constitute a conflict of interest, but assessors should be mindful in doing so that it does not lead to one.

COVID-19 Bulletin 1 ~ This guidance is no longer applicable ~ - KBCN1395

05 March 2024  - Content removed as no longer applicable.

Creating a PCR using BREEAM Projects online reporting tool - KBCN0727

When completing a post construction review (PCR) of a certified design stage assessment it is not necessary to submit a new assessment registration. PCRs are a review assessment of a certified design stage and therefore do not require a new assessment registration. Do not register PCRs through the online registration system. For schemes where the BREEAM Projects online reporting tool has been used, you will need to contact the BREEAM Registration team ([email protected])  to convert and add the PCR to your BREEAM Projects account. Please see other compliance note regarding the process of submitting PCRs under schemes that use the excel scoring and reporting tool.

Deadline for resubmission following QA - KBCN0510

Assessments which have not achieved certification after the first submission, must be resubmitted within 6 months of the date the QA feedback from BRE Global was issued. Where assessments are resubmitted later than 6 months, the assessment will be subject to full certification fees again. Where an extension to the 6 months is required, the assessor must email [email protected] in order that this can be considered and an extended deadline agreed where exceptional circumstances exist. If the assessment is resubmitted prior to the 6 month date but is not audited until this date has passed and does not pass the QA process, the final submission must be received within 14 days of QA feedback being issued. This does not in any way affect the validity of an assessment’s registrations.

Definition of NIA (net floor area) for assessment registration purposes - KBCN0569

Net Internal Area (NIA) is broadly the usable area within a building measured to the face of the internal finish of perimeter or party walls ignoring skirting boards and taking each floor into account. NIA will include: NIA will exclude: Source: Valuation Office Agency Therefore, the usable area within a building measured to the face of the internal walls should be provided. Whilst this is not expected to be accurate to the nearest 1m2, the closest estimate possible for the NFA should be entered. This is to allow for any possible subsequent adjustment to the size of the development.

Design and post-construction stage evidence - KBCN00038

Both design (DS) and post-construction stage (PCS) evidence are required for a post construction review (PCR) or post construction assessment (PCA).  It is, however, possible to provide only PCS evidence where the DS evidence is completely superseded and unnecessary. To comply with the principles of robustness and completeness, both DS and PCS evidence have to be submitted at PCR or PCA unless the PCS evidence makes the DS evidence obsolete.

Disclosure of issues selected for auditing - KBCN0819

We are often asked by assessors to identify the issues and credits we check during a quality assurance audit. As with similar certification schemes, BREEAM does not notify assessors about what proportion of the requirements/issues are or have been checked; it could be all of them or just some. Over the course of a number of audits all, or a significant majority of issues will be checked and, via raising non-conformances where they are found, the assessor should gain confidence that their approach to the application of the standard is the correct one, without compromising the independence or randomised nature of the auditing process (by revealing all items checked in every audit). Furthermore, to identify the issues audited and confirm those without non-conformities as ‘OK’ would imply that everything provided and referenced as part of that issue was being confirmed by BRE Global as compliant. This would not necessarily be the case and could pose further problems in future assessments. Finally, in the past we experienced some assessors using the QA audits as a form of ‘checking service’ and would submit assessments before they were complete and at a stage ready to be certified. This undermined the purpose of the QA audit process and contributed to delays in QA turnaround times. Maintaining the anonymity of the issues audited we feel is the best way to check that assessments have applied BREEAM in accordance with the requirements of the scheme and, in the long term, maintain the standards of assessment. The assessor can expect the auditor to provide positive feedback regarding aspects of the assessment process that have been carried out well (within the feedback section at the beginning of the QA form). This will not be issue-specific feedback but it will draw upon examples from within the assessment being audited. We will also feedback on QA-related issues to the wider assessor network, through events like the Customer Liaison Workshop, BRE Academy webinars, the Forum and Knowledge Base. This feedback is not linked to specific assessments, but highlights trends, common issues and pitfalls identified via the QA of particular BREEAM issues, credits, criteria and evidence. This will, we hope, help assessors in evaluating their approach to credits, foster further good practice and quicker audits.

Evidence – Photographs not permitted for security reasons - KBCN0389

Where photographs are not permitted during a site visit for security reasons, in addition to any alternative evidence requirements listed in the Schedule of Evidence for each issue, the assessor will also need to provide a detailed site inspection report and/or as-built drawings (where permitted by the client). If following this approach, full justification and documentary evidence from the client will be required for QA purposes.

Evidence requirements – responsible sourcing of materials at post-construction - KBCN1599

Whilst the UK BREEAM manuals are less prescriptive in the evidential requirements to allow flexibility, to ensure consistency across the schemes, it is expected that robust evidence should be provided to verify the source of any certified materials and how the assessor has confirmed the products and manufacturers used. Evidence supplied at post construction stage must reflect the completed building and confirm the responsibly sourced materials that have been procured and installed on the project. Supporting documentation is required to validate letters of confirmation or schedules of materials. Evidence provided could include proof of purchase, for example, invoices, delivery tickets, purchase orders or correspondence from suppliers. This may be an example for each material sourced, rather than every delivery ticket for instance.  Alternatively, evidence of the use of the responsibly sourced materials may include as-built drawings, O&M documentation or site photographs.

Evidence: Final design/’as-built’ drawings as evidence - KBCN0393

Where drawings are not clearly marked to indicate their 'as-built' status, additional evidence would need to be provided by the design team to confirm the drawings represent the completed development and that there have been no changes relevant to the BREEAM/HQM assessment. This could, for example, be a written confirmation from the architect or the contractor, as appropriate.

Evidence: Post construction assessment evidence - KBCN0407

For the purposes of robustness and completeness, both design AND post-construction stage evidence is required for a post construction assessment. However, it is possible to provide only post construction stage (PCS) evidence where it is clear that this completely supersedes the design stage (DS) evidence and renders it unnecessary.

Evidence: Types of evidence required to demonstrate compliance with BREEAM - KBCN0402

The list of evidence details the typical types of information that the Assessor needs to collate to assess compliance against the requirements of a BREEAM issue. The evidence type listed against each requirement is not exclusive and other types and forms of evidence (listed or not listed in the table) can be used to demonstrate compliance against a BREEAM requirement.  Key to demonstrating compliance with the BREEAM requirements is that the Assessor has used, and references, an auditable trail of evidence, regardless of the form that evidence takes in relation to each BREEAM requirement.  For example: if, for a particular BREEAM requirement, the list asks for a letter from the client confirming compliance, but compliance can or has been demonstrated via a building specification then the Assessor can reference that piece of evidence as demonstrating compliance and does not need a letter.  However, the Assessor must confirm acceptance by the Technical team in advance of the certificate submission to avoid findings being raised in the Quality Assurance process.  Please note that the BREEAM team is unable to advise Assessors whether a particular piece of evidence demonstrates compliance as this is the Assessor’s responsibility. The BREEAM team will not fail the QA of a certification report on the basis that evidence referenced in the report, confirming compliance with the assessment criteria, is not an identical type to that outlined in the schedule of evidence. For further information please refer to the ‘BREEAM evidence requirements’ section or ‘Appendices’ section in the relevant Technical Manual. 

Fast Track QA - KBCN0518

For assessments where certification is required very quickly (i.e. days or a couple of weeks), it is possible to apply for our Fast Track QA service. If the application is accepted, the service guarantees feedback within 3 full working days for first submissions, and 2 full working days for resubmissions, from the date that acceptance of the assessment under the Fast Track scheme is sent by BRE Global. The service can be applied for at any time during the audit process, and covers a total of 3 submissions, i.e. a first submission and 2 resubmissions, or if applied for after first submission feedback has already been issued, 3 resubmissions. When resubmitting an assessment, it is the responsibility of the assessor to ensure that BRE is clearly notified that the fast track assessment has been resubmitted by sending an email to [email protected] and if utilising the upload function within BREEAM Projects/Extranet, the 'Fast Track' option must be ticked. Where this does not happen, feedback is likely to be delayed with no crediting of the additional fees paid. To apply for the service, a completed and signed application form must be submitted to [email protected], after submitting both the assessment and supporting documentation. An application will not be confirmed as accepted until all three items are received. Requests for the service will be accepted or declined based on availability at the time of application, as the service is operated outside of regular working hours to ensure there is no negative impact upon assessments not requesting the service. However, if an application is declined, the assessor can reapply any time up until feedback is issued. Multiple applications covering initial submission under the same assessor and same scheme are unlikely to be accepted on the same day.

File Formats: Assessment and Calculator tools - KBCN0513

To ensure that all assessments are received in full with no text or sections missing, all BREEAM UK New Construction 2011 and 2014 and BREEAM International New Construction 2013 and 2016 assessments, which are not being completed within BREEAM Projects, should be submitted in their original (Excel) format. Assessment/calculator tools (including those applicable to earlier version), originally provided to assessors in Microsoft Excel format, should also not be converted to PDF before issuing to BREEAM for quality assurance. BREEAM 2008 (or earlier) assessment reports may still be submitted in PDF format.    

Fit-out level – Selecting the appropriate assessment type - KBCN1627

Projects designed and constructed as fully fitted should not be evaluated as ‘Shell and core’ or ‘Shell-only’ where the intent is to limit the scope of the BREEAM assessment without further justification. Where the fit-out level of a project is not consistent, the BREEAM assessment type should be considered in line with KBCN0702

Getting the referencing right - KBCN0522

When referencing evidence, it is the role of the Assessor to demonstrate how the credits for each issue have been awarded. Good examples: ''Criterion 1 - [Evidence reference 123], page 10, section 5.3 - Please provide further explanation of how compliance has been confirmed.'' ''Criterion 2 - [Drawing reference 4], page 2 - As highlighted - Please provide further explanation of how compliance has been confirmed.'' Poor examples: “Ref 46 shows compliance with Hea 04” “Ref 46 shows compliance with Criteria 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8” "Zip Folder [Ref 23] shows compliance with Criterion 1" Where the "poor" referencing standard has been employed by the Assessor, BREEAM reserves the right to return the assessment without audit.
03.10.2023 - More detailed instruction on mandatory referencing provided along with clearer examples of good and bad referencing.

GN10 Assessing mixed use developments and multiple buildings (or units) of similar function - KBCN0623

Summary The purpose of this Guidance Note is to assist BREEAM assessors with scheme classifications and the application of BREEAM for mixed use developments and developments with multiple buildings or units on the same site. Note: This guidance note has been revised to v1.0 April 2018 View full Guidance Note (licensed assessors only) View all Guidance Notes (licensed assessors only)
17/04/18 Wording clarified
04/06/18 Note added regarding revision and hyperlink updated

Green Lease Agreement – reference to the technical manual - KBCN0881

The technical manual includes criteria, intended for the guidance and interpretation of licensed BREEAM assessors. It does not generally provide detailed practical solutions to meet the criteria. In the BREEAM UK New Construction 2011 and International New Construction 2013 schemes, Shell only/Shell & core assessments included provision for demonstrating compliance for fit-out items using a Green Lease Agreement (GLA). The future tenant and their design team should not have to rely on a licensed BREEAM assessor to assist them in interpreting the GLA to achieve a compliant fit-out. Specifications for achieving compliance must therefore be explicitly included within the GLA, with reference to the relevant BREEAM criteria, to allow the fit-out team to understand exactly what is required. A compliant Green Lease Agreement must be a robust alternative to the actual implementation or installation of fit-out measures. A Green Lease Agreement which relies solely on reference to the BREEAM Technical manual is not considered a robust solution. 

Healthcare: BREEAM Assessor Training for Healthcare Buildings - KBCN0470

There are no requirements for training or becoming a licensed BREEAM assessor specific to healthcare buildings. Please review the relevant courses available from the BRE Academy relating to BREEAM New Construction and BREEAM Refurbishment and fit-out.
17/04/18 Guidance clarified

Healthcare: Part refurbishment/Part new build - KBCN0468

The guidance provided within the BREEAM Non-Domestic refurbishment and fit-out scheme should be used as the basis for determining which BREEAM scheme should be used for such developments. If after reviewing the BREEAM guidance, it is likely that multiple assessments will be required, we would advise that you discuss this further with the relevant Health Authority.

Healthcare: Privately owned healthcare developments - KBCN0481

Where the project goes through outline business case approval, the development will be expected to also comply with the requirement for BREEAM (where the ‘thresholds’ outlined in KBCN0472 are met). This is in line with the fact that all UK health authorities support the Governments’ commitment to the sustainable development agenda and recognises the importance of delivering on this agenda through the design and build process. In Scotland, project specific requirements in relation to the BREEAM assessment will be dealt with by Health Facilities Scotland as part of the NHS Scotland Design Assessment Process.

Healthcare: The NHS & BREEAM - KBCN0475

The Department of Health supports the Government’s commitment to the sustainable development agenda and recognises the importance of delivering on this agenda through the design and build process. As the successors to NEAT BREEAM Healthcare 2008, and going forward with BREEAM New Construction (which incorporates Healthcare buildings), supports that process to ensure standards continue to improve. This is further reinforced through HTM 07-07 Sustainable health and social care buildings: Planning, design, construction and refurbishment. BREEAM is a Government requirement under:

How to start a PCR in BREEAM Projects - KBCN1167

When completing a post construction review (PCR) of a certified design stage assessment it is not necessary to submit a new assessment registration. PCRs are a review assessment of a certified design stage and therefore do not require a new assessment registration. Do not register PCRs through the online registration system otherwise a non-refundable registration fee will be charged. Assessors can start PCRs of their own certified Design stage assessments through BREEAM Projects. Some schemes are not available in BREEAM Projects please see KBCN1069 for details. If the scheme is not compatible to start a PCR in BREEAM Projects please follow instructions in KBCN076. Firstly, find the certified Design stage in your Projects folders. This will either be in a Project folder you have created or it will be in the Project folder titled ‘MY ASSESSMENTS NOT IN A PROJECT’. Click on the Grey cross to expand the folder. Find the assessment and click on it to open the design stage. It should have a green tick at the end which shows ‘Certified’. There will be a box on the first page of the DS assessment which shows the previous ‘QA Result’ Scroll to the bottom of the assessment page and a 'Start PCR' button should be visible. You will be taken to start PCR page with three simple questions. Answer the three questions and click Start PCR. A new PCR assessment will be added and you will receive an email confirming the number. If you cannot find the design stage in your Projects folders then it may have been certified by a different assessor or a different licensed assessor company. In this instance please contact BREEAM Registrations team at [email protected] or on Live Chat and the team will be able to start the PCR and assign it your account (if the relevant scheme licence is valid). Please note that you do not have access to any assessments for schemes where you do not hold a valid licence and therefore would not be able to start assessing at PCR stage. Please see other compliance note regarding the process of submitting PCRs under schemes that use the excel scoring and reporting tool and are not compatible with BREEAM Projects.

How to submit an assessment on BREEAM Projects – What versions use BREEAM Projects - KBCN1183

For all assessments other than Code for Sustainable Homes and BREEAM In Use you should find your assessment using BREEAM Projects rather than the BREEAM extranet as this will automatically provide the correct route for submitting an assessment. There are three ways to submit assessments for QA and certification directly on BREEAM Projects.

1 – Full online reporting functionality

For newer scheme versions you can use the full functionality of BREEAM Projects as your assessment reporting tool. The versions that have use of the full functionality are as follows:

2 – Using BREEAM Projects reporting tool as an upload tool for Scoring and Reporting tool and evidence

For older, legacy schemes it is possible to submit your assessment using BREEAM projects as an upload tool (instead of using the extranet upload) where the assessment has been completed using an MS Excel scoring and reporting tool. It is not necessary to use the BREEAM extranet upload form for the scheme versions detailed below. Scoring & Reporting tool upload functionality: For any of the above types please see KBCN1184 – How to submit on BREEAM Projects using a Scoring and Reporting tool upload

3 – Basic upload form

For all the older schemes and the exceptions above (Code for Sustainable Homes and BREEAM In-Use) you should use BREEAM Projects to submit your assessment and evidence rather than using the BREEAM extranet upload form. BREEAM Projects will show ‘Submit BREEAM Report/QA Evidence’ for any of the types listed below and a form similar to the BREEAM extranet form will open but with many details automatically completed. Basic upload form schemes, types and versions: For any of the above types please see KBCN1185 – How to submit on BREEAM Projects using the upload form.

How to submit on BREEAM Projects using a Scoring and Reporting Tool upload (MS Excel) - KBCN1184

Details of the different schemes, types and versions that can be submitted using a pre-filled MS excel scoring and reporting tool can be found in KBCN1183 and KBCN1069

Simple three step instructions:

Step 1) On the ‘Assessment Details’ tab click on ‘Upload assessment spreadsheet’ and browse and submit. Step 2) On the ‘Building/development details’ tab click on ‘Upload and link evidence’ and browse and submit. Very large zip files may take a while to upload. The document will appear once uploaded Step 3) On the ‘Submit’ tab at the top – complete the submission details and declaration and click ‘Submit assessment to QA’.

Detailed instructions:

  1. Find the assessment within your project folders and click on the assessment to open the assessment in BREEAM Projects (it will have a green tick in one of the dots)
  2. You may get a screen to choose Design stage (interim) or Post Construction (Final, as-built) – if so, choose Design (Interim) if you plan to complete separate Design stage and then Post Construction Review (PCR) or choose Post Construction if you are planning on assessing straight to Post Construction (PCA). For PCRs please see KBCN1167
  3. The assessment will open on the Assessment Details page. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click ‘Upload assessment spreadsheet’
  4. Save a copy of the completed MS Excel S&R tool and ensure that the requirements are met - the BREEAM Assessment reference number stated within the tool is entered in the correct format (BREEAM-XXXX-XXXX) - the BREEAM Assessment reference number stated within the tool matches the reference for the assessment you are uploading into - the scheme type stated within the tool matches that for the registration
  5. Click ‘Browse’ and select the saved S&R tool
  6. Then click submit. BREEAM Projects will read the tool and upload the relevant information into the assessment. For schemes where the full online reporting tool is not available (all versions other than UK NC 2014 and 2018) it is not possible to make any changes to the issues, credits and scoring. Any changes should be made in the MS Excel tool and uploaded again.
  7. Click on ‘BREEAM Rating’ and check the rating and score matches the rating and score in the S&R tool. If they do not match please include this as a note in the comment section on submission
  8. To upload the evidence click on ‘Building/development details’ tab (sometimes known as ‘Initial Details’) and scroll to the bottom of the page and click on ‘Upload and link evidence’
  9. Select ‘upload new evidence’ and complete the Document type. For Zip files of evidence select ‘Other’, enter a brief document title e.g. ‘Evidence Zip file’ and browse to find the file and click save. Very large zip files may take a while to upload, you can see the percentage upload in the bottom left hand side of your screen. Do not refresh the page while it is uploading. Once uploaded it will appear in the evidence list.
  10. Go to the ‘Submit’ tab at the top of the screen and complete the questions regarding Fast Track, Translation, Purchase Order. If you have any comments or notes for the QA team regarding the submission then enter them in the comments box.
  11. Optional: Generate a draft certificate – to check the address details and project team member details. Please note this function currently is only applicable for the first submission
  12. Complete the declaration and click ‘Submit assessment to QA’.
If you have further queries regarding using BREEAM Projects to submit an assessment please contact us at [email protected] or ask a quick question on Live Chat.  

How to submit on BREEAM Projects using the basic upload form - KBCN1185

Details of the different schemes, types and versions that can be submitted using a pre-filled MS excel scoring and reporting tool can be found in KBCN1183 and KBCN1069


  1. Find the assessment within your project folders and click on ‘Submit BREEAM Report/QA evidence’
  2. The form will be pre-filled with the details of the assessment and assessor. Select the assessment stage, Fast track and add any notes or additional information then click ‘Next’.
  3. Click the ‘Browse’ button to select your Assessment report and then click next.
  4. Then upload the evidence by clicking the ‘Browse’ button and adding the files to the file queue. Once in the file queue then click ‘Upload Files’
  5. If the Browse button on the evidence upload page is not showing please follow instructions in KBCN1163 and KBCN1117
  6. Once all the evidence files have been uploaded you must press the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom for the files and submission to be sent to BREEAM QA.

Invoicing to the assessor’s client or a third party - KBCN0713

Please be advised that our contract is with the Licensed Assessor organisation and as such we will not invoice any third parties for any fees that are listed in the fee sheet (FS036). As stated in the fee sheet and terms and conditions, all invoices for BREEAM Fees will be issued to the assessor organisation for payment, and it is the assessor organisation that is responsible for the debt if payment is not received.  

My account page on BREEAM Projects – viewing assessor licences - KBCN0952

You can manage your BREEAM licence agreement by referring to the 'My Account' tab on BREEAM projects. This will provide information on the active licences you hold. If you are the assigned main contact for the BREEAM Licence agreement then you will be able to see the licences held by all assessors at the company. Please be aware that at present the 'My Account' page does not include details of the BREEAM In-Use licences.    

My client insists the credit is met because it was ‘accepted’ on a previous assessment - KBCN0837

BRE will support assessors in our role as an accredited certification body, particularly where they feel a non-compliant solution is being pushed on them on the basis that it has been 'accepted' on previous assessments by assessors or BRE. In such instances, and for any scenarios where the assessor requires support, you can contact us (BREEAM Technical Support) for an impartial view to assist with your verification. In such situations, it would be helpful in the first instance, to explain the audit and certification process to the client and clarify why the proposed solution may not be compliant. Whilst it may be a consideration in the process of verification for a specific assessment, implying compliance or accepting evidence of it solely on the basis of an assessment on a previous project, potentially by a different assessor, is not good assessment or certification practice. We strongly advise assessors not to submit assessments based on evidence that you know or believe to be non-compliant in the hope that it will either not be selected for QA or we that we will simply accept compliance in such instances. Doing so could put an assessor in breach of your licensing terms and lead to suspension or termination. A large part of the value of BREEAM is in its certification, if certification is based on invalid or unverified assessment of performance it undermines the scheme, assessors and BRE.

New Fees – main changes and key points – FS036 Rev27 From 1 July 2017 - KBCN0879

Note: FS036 rev 28 is effective from 1st December 2019 - See KBCN1366
Schemes affected Main changes Key points  

New Fees – FS036 Rev28 – effective from 1st December 2019 - KBCN1366

Follow this link to access FS036 Rev 28 A summary of changes, providing additional information is also available here.

New schemes licence fees - KBCN0153

Existing licensed assessors who wish to conduct assessments under a new scheme have to undergo the relevant training, take the exam(s) and pay the annual licence fee for the new scheme as detailed in the fee sheet.

Office building on an education campus - KBCN0443

If an office situated on a higher or further education campus is used exclusively for administrative and support services with no educational function, it should be classified and assessed as an Office building.

Only licensed assessors can register assessments - KBCN0711

To register an assessment you must be a licensed assessor and will only be able to register under the schemes for which you are licensed.

Outstanding Invoices – Account suspensions - KBCN0998

If an invoice remains outstanding for 75 days or more, Once an invoice reaches 75 days your account is suspended and we are unable to complete any technical queries, bespoke applications, licences, registrations or QA’s until the invoices have been settled fully. We run our debt list weekly on a Monday, therefore if you are on the list on the Monday and pay that same day you will not be removed until the following weekly list is run.  

Payments and Invoices - KBCN0815

Invoices are sent out electronically for BREEAM fees (registration, certification and licence fees). When you receive an invoice, payment can be made by debit/credit card over the telephone and by bank transfer - payment methods are detailed on the invoice. If you use the credit card online facility (e.g. for registration) then you will not receive an invoice but will receive a receipt of payment.

Process Notes - KBCN0611

Process notes can be accessed by licensed assessors here. When a new process note has been released, you may be required to tick the box to confirm you have read the note to be able to access other documents in BREEAM Projects. To do this scroll to the bottom of the Process Note index page and tick the box and click next.  

Process: Registration date and applicable scheme manual issue - KBCN0708

Typically the scheme technical manual issue which is current when a project is registered should be used for the assessment. For example, if a BREEAM UK New Construction 2014 development was registered on 01/07/2016, the current issue of the scheme technical manual at that point would be issue 4.1, which was published on 11/03/2016 (the next issue 5.0 of the technical manual was published on 05/09/2016). However, it is permissible for the assessor to decide to use a later issue of the technical manual. The scheme technical manual version and issue used for the assessment should be clearly referenced within the assessment report. Note that in any case, the same technical manual version and issue should be used for the entire assessment. It is not acceptable to assess different credits based on different issues of the technical manual and it is not acceptable to change issues between submissions of the assessment.
26 09 17 Clarification added that the 'Issue' of the technical manual may not be changed between assessment submissions

Projects in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man - KBCN1521

Projects in the UK Crown Dependencies of the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man must be assessed using BREEAM International New Construction/Refurbishment and Fit-out.

Provision of Design Stage evidence for Post Construction audit - KBCN0504

Where compliance is demonstrated at post construction by confirming ‘no change’ from the design stage assessment, or where the evidence requirement states ‘as design stage’, the design stage evidence should be reviewed by the assessor as part of their post construction assessment, and therefore referenced and provided for audit within the post construction submission. This evidence may be audited if the issue is selected for QA, and non-conformances may be raised in relation to the evidence if issues are found, as final certification cannot take place when there are any outstanding non-conformances from evidence relating to either stage of the assessment process.

Purchasing BREEAM In-Use credits - KBCN1461

Online Payment – Credit/Debit card
The quickest route to obtaining BREEAM In-Use International credits for Measurement, Certification, Renewal and Mid-cycle certification, is to purchase these online and paying by credit/debit card. On successful completion of payment, the credits will be automatically allocated to the account who is logged in. BREEAM Projects To purchase a measurement credit, you will need to be logged in to the Client organisation account that will be making the registration. To purchase any certification credits, you will need to be logged in to the individual Assessor account who will be completing the assessment and submitting for QA and Certification. (Please remember that Assessor logins should never be shared with other individuals within the same company or externally KBCN0742) An email receipt of the payment is issued following the purchase online.
Cost Proposal and Invoice
If you are unable to purchase credits online using the card payment option, these can be processed via a cost proposal and invoice. You can select invoice on the 'Purchase credits' page within BREEAM Projects and complete the online request form. The request should be completed via the account who will be signing the cost proposal and receiving and paying the invoice. Further instructions and conditions are detailed within the request forms. Please be aware that the cost proposal and invoicing route is much slower than purchasing with a credit/debit card. The timescale for creating a cost proposal is 3-5 working days from the date the request form is submitted. The cost proposal is then sent to the contact on the cost proposal request and acceptance of the proposal and signature is required. The signed cost proposal is then returned to [email protected] and an invoice will be processed and issued to the customer. The timescale for processing a signed cost proposal is 3-5 working days before the invoice is issued. Once payment of the invoice is received and cleared within our accounts, the credits will be added to the accounts detailed in the original request. Credits will only be added following payment of the invoice. Assessors who will be signing the cost proposal and paying the invoice can submit the request form within their Assessor login. If you require the credits to be added urgently then the online payment route should be followed.

QA timescales - KBCN0526

Once an assessment has been received and booked in by the BREEAM QA Team, a specific feedback date will be provided via email. This will be an indication of the latest date that feedback should be issued for an assessment, and wherever possible feedback will be issued earlier. Our current average turnaround times for QA in all schemes is available within BREEAM Projects/the BREEAM Extranet, in the following location: QA Timescales and Fast Track Application Form.

Quality Assurance (QA) Failure Charge - KBCN0508

In certain circumstances BRE Global will charge a fee for assessment failure (as per FS036). This is to encourage the submission of assessments to the required quality, avoid misuse of the QA process and ensure efficient use of QA auditors’ time (and therefore avoid delays in auditing other licensed assessors’ assessments). The assessment failure charge applies to the following circumstances: Where an assessment failure has been identified, a report is issued to the assessor identifying the relevant corrective actions he/she needs to take before re-submitting the assessment. The assessment failure fee will be charged to the licensed organisation by BRE Global.

Re-certification - KBCN0516

It is sometimes possible for an assessment to be resubmitted after certification for a higher rating. When this is requested, the BREEAM QA team must be informed in advance of resubmitting the report. It must also be stated clearly within the cover letter/email with the report resubmission that this is what is being requested. Requests for re-certification will be considered on a case-by-case basis, by the Certification Manager, to determine whether it is appropriate to proceed. Factors influencing the decision will include but are not limited to: If it is agreed that this may proceed, a new audit will be carried out of any additional credits added in. The assessor may also need to confirm and if necessary provide supporting evidence to demonstrate, that there have been no other changes to aspects of the project for which credits are being retained. The assessment will be subject to first submission timescales and the full certification fee (in line with FS036).

Refinement of terminology – BREEAM Advisory Professionals (APs) - KBCN1581

In 2018, BREEAM terminology transitioned from “Accredited Professionals” to “Advisory Professionals”, with the acronym AP maintained (see KBCN1159). The Advisory Professional program has expanded to included two distinct designations:  Design + Site which covers our standards focused on the design and construction phases of a project and Operations which focuses on the in-use/operational phase of the building lifecycle. In our New Construction and RFO standards, where the basic term “BREEAM Advisory Professional” is used without a specific designation, this refers to those with a BREEAM Advisory Professional (AP) Design + Site credential only. Those with an AP Operations credential only do not comply. The AP Operations credential is currently only available to individuals who are based in either the US or China. The terms “Accredited Professional” and “Sustainability Champion” are a legacy of language previously used within our manuals and that these credentials/terms are no longer recognised within the BREEAM Schemes.

Registering assessments to UK NC2018 or UK NC V6 – Version of Part L - KBCN1535

BREEAM UK New Construction 2018 was developed for buildings in England which are demonstrating compliance against Part L 2013. The New Construction V6 version is intended for buildings in England which are demonstrating compliance against Part L 2021. Accordingly, UK NC 2018 will only accept 'inp' files created using Part L 2013 building regulations software for England and UK NC V6 will only accept 'inp' files created using Part L 2021 building regulations software for England.   Assessments already registered to BREEAM UK NC 2018 that must comply with the Part L 2021 of the Building Regulations may follow either of the options below:
  1.  Transfer to the UK NC V6 scheme
  2. Assess under UK NC 2018 and do two Part L models:
New assessments subject to Part L 2021 may register to UK NC V6 or follow Option 2, above.
10 Feb 2023 - Applied to Issue Ene 01 to improve visibility

Registration not showing on BREEAM Projects - KBCN0817

All the assessor's available registrations will appear in BREEAM Projects but need to be assigned to a Project folder before they are able to complete the Projects reporting tool or submit to QA. To assign a project to a folder use the 'Assign assessment to project' button on 'My Projects' page. If you cannot access or find an existing registration please contact the Registration Dept. before registering again as all registrations are non-refundable once a number has been issued.

Registration of Simple Buildings assessments - KBCN0476

The registration process is the same for registering a simple building assessment as any other scheme or version. When registering a simple building assessors must select the 'simple building' option under the building type and version. Please remember that by selecting the 'simple building' option you are classifying that the development is compliant with the simple buildings criteria. If you have any uncertainty about a scheme classification, please contact BREEAM prior to completing a registration. As with all registrations, it is not possible to change the scheme, version or type of an existing registration. If you wish to change from a full scheme to a simple building or vice versa then a new registration will need to be completed and a registration fee will apply. Please see Fee Sheet (FS036) for ‘simple buildings’ registration and certification fees.

Registration transfer of a current version - KBCN0949

Transferring assessments takes place to ensure a previous version is maintained when the assessment company changes.   If your project is a current version, there is no requirement to use the transfer option.  Instead you should submit the details of the registration as a new current version using the online registration form.

Residential institutions – long and short term stay - KBCN0591

BREEAM does not define a distinction between short and long-term stay in terms of time. The distinction should be made on the basis of whether the residential institution can be considered as the occupant's main home for a period of time. So, if the occupant stays there for 1-2 months, for example, while on a business trip, this could be considered as short term. If these are let based on a tenancy of 6 months or more, however, this would be considered long-term.

Scheme classification – Crèche vs Nursery - KBCN1112

For the purposes of scheme classifications for BREEAM, a crèche is considered to be a drop-in facility which provides short-term child minding. These are often associated with other facilities, such as a shopping or sports centre. A nursery is considered as as a pre-school establishment, providing regular childcare and early years education. Given their differing functions, these are classified differently for BREEAM, as indicated within the Scope section of relevant BREEAM technical manuals.

Scheme classification – Education - KBCN0398

The Education scheme classification criteria is tailored to the requirements of buildings that are likely to be used by large numbers of students, whose requirements differ slightly from the general population. Where a building on an education campus, or owned by an educational institution: - is not used for teaching / study - is primarily used by staff or other non-students - and transport requirements differ from a standard Education building The building may be assessed under a different, more appropriate scheme classification. Where it is unclear how this building should be assessed, a scheme classification query should be submitted.  

Scheme classification based on anticipated occupancy & building use - KBCN0421

In the instance where there is potential for the building occupancy and use to change during the building lifetime, scheme classification should be based on the most likely occupancy and use of the building as anticipated at the time of the assessment. Please refer to Guidance Note 10 (GN10) for further details

Scheme classification for residential projects (UK) - KBCN1225

Choosing the right scheme for developments is the starting point to ensure successful outcomes and value, in terms of quality and sustainability to building owners and for occupants of the building. In light of the release of Home Quality Mark (HQM) ONE we have reviewed the existing guidance around scheme classifications of new build residential buildings and have removed ‘GN03 – Scheme Classification – Domestic buildings’ from BREEAM Projects. When GN03 was written, the Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) did not fully consider communal areas within residential blocks as part of the assessment. CSH was also not applicable in Scotland. GN03 was developed to clarify the differences between BREEAM Multi-Residential, CSH and EcoHomes, and when each scheme should be applied. There is now a clearer distinction between BREEAM Multi-residential and HQM and when these should be used. Ultimately, the determining factor for a scheme classification is now focused on the intent of the building and who is going to be the end user (as opposed to previous guidance which considered aspects such as percentage of communal areas, etc.). Broadly, if the building’s main purpose is for long term homes then Home Quality Mark is the correct scheme to use. Please use the following as guidance to identify the most appropriate scheme: Home Quality Mark (HQM) HQM has been designed with the occupant in mind. It assesses homes individually, but can also account for common areas associated with blocks of self-contained homes. HQM outputs (rating and indicators e.g. ‘my cost’, ‘my wellbeing’ and ‘my footprint’) are specifically aimed at those living in the home and are designed to better inform the occupant about the benefits of the home that they are purchasing or renting. An HQM project will meet one or more of the following criteria: Be designed to meet the function of a long-term self-contained home even though there may be some provision of communal facilities which can be used on a voluntary basis Be classified under Building regulations Part L1a (i.e. required to complete SAP assessments, although there may be some linked SBEM assessed spaces associated with the project) As such, HQM projects could be homes for sale, social housing or homes for rent (PRS and Built to Rent). They may also include some student and retirement/sheltered accommodation where the units are comparable to a normal self-contained flat/home. BREEAM Multi-residential For the purposes of BREEAM Multi-residential assessments, the term ‘multi-residential’ is used in the context of buildings that contain rooms for residential purposes alongside communal facilities for catering, leisure, care etc. These residential rooms would normally not have the full, self-contained functions of a home. This scheme usually covers more specialist residential care homes, student halls of residence, and other more communal accommodation. The scheme can cater for a small number of self-contained dwellings where these form part of a larger multi-residential development (e.g. on-site warden homes etc.). Under this scheme, the project is assessed on a whole building basis and as such does not seek to reflect the performance of individual residential units/rooms. A BREEAM Multi-residential project will meet one or more of the following criteria: Be provided for transient /non-permanent occupants Provide suitable accommodation for occupants requiring support from carers, wardens or similar Include shared living spaces Be classified under Building regulations Part L2a (i.e. required to complete SBEM assessments, but can account for some SAP assessed spaces where associated with the project) As a rule of thumb, if the building contains rooms rather than self-contained flats or homes, a BREEAM Multi-residential assessment would probably be most appropriate. We are aware of some confusion over the meaning of the term ‘multi-residential’ in this context and will be considering the use of term as part of the next review of the BREEAM Multi-Residential scheme. If you are unsure of the appropriate scheme classification for a particular project, please contact the BREEAM office before registering the project.

Scheme classification queries - KBCN0540

As the Operational Guidance clarifies ‘…A scheme classification requires the assessor, client or design team to submit floor plans showing the layout of the building(s) along with its intended functional areas and any other relevant information. BRE Global will then confirm the appropriate means of assessing the development, using either one or more standard schemes or by developing project-specific bespoke criteria…’ BREEAM Technical cannot definitively confirm a scheme classification in the absence of drawings. Relevant information could also include specification of the scope of works, clarification of general building functions, spaces within them, as well as their management and access to the public.  

Schemes and types on BREEAM Projects - KBCN1069

Many schemes and types can now be submitted via BREEAM Projects. This compliance note lists the schemes that are available via BREEAM projects and can be submitted using the BREEAM Projects online portal. Assessors will upload new assessments to us through an assessment submission portal within BREEAM Projects, rather than the extranet upload tool, for all schemes other than BREEAM In-Use, CSH, EcoHomes and any other scheme version released prior to 1st January 2008. The exception to this will be assessments completed through BREEAM Recognised Software, which should continue to be submitted via the Recognised platform (which is linked to our systems). This means that we will no longer accept assessment submissions for the affected schemes through post (CD/memory stick), email, FTP upload or other means, with the exception of BREEAM Recognised Software. Assessments can continue to be completed using offline tools (e.g. the MS Excel BREEAM New Construction Scoring and Reporting Tool). In such instances the assessor will simply upload the file to BREEAM Projects at the point of submission, at the click of a few buttons, rather than issued to BREEAM through any other means. Schemes and types that are available through BREEAM Projects: Schemes that are currently not available to upload through BREEAM Projects, the extranet upload tool and FTP uploads will still be accepted:  

Scope: Fully fitted, shell and core and shell only – guidance for classification - KBCN0702

In cases where a project is a mix of fully-fitted, shell & core, or shell only, or the scope falls somewhere between assessment types, BREEAM cannot determine the type of assessment on behalf of the assessor/developer. For example, assessing a project which falls between (or is a mixture of) shell only and shell & core as 'shell only' will result in a BREEAM certificate for that part of the work and will not account for any work beyond the scope of that assessment type. For the same development a 'shell and core' assessment would take account of a wider scope of work, however some BREEAM credits might not be achievable because compliance cannot be demonstrated for the shell only areas. The latter approach would achieve a higher level of certification (as shell & core) but may result in a lower score and BREEAM rating being achieved. Similar considerations apply in the case of fully fitted and shell and core projects. The assessor should, therefore, review the scope of the development and advise the developer accordingly.

Scope: Mixed BREEAM CSH/HQM developments - KBCN0383

In general terms, any relevant areas or facilities which serve the building should be included in the BREEAM assessment, regardless of whether they are also assessed under CSH/HQM. Whilst CSH is a Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) scheme, it was developed by BRE Global and the requirements are generally aligned with BREEAM. This should not, therefore involve the duplication of work, but means that the same evidence can be applied to each scheme as appropriate.  

Security sensitive assessments – confidentiality - KBCN1625

Confidentiality BREEAM ensures confidentiality for all assessments. Our terms and conditions cover maintaining assessment data and keeping it confidential. What we share We only share details of scoring and evidence with relevant BREEAM staff and approved parties to enable services such as quality assurance and certification. By default, upon registering, the assessor agrees to the assessment details being published on our GreenBookLive and BREEAM Projects upon certification. This includes publishing the asset’s: Opting out If you do not wish the details of the assessment to be shared publicly you can request that it is not publicly listed. You can do this by contacting the BREEAM registration team via webform, or email to [email protected]. Security sensitive assets There is no single definition of what makes an asset ‘security sensitive’. As a guide, assessments may be considered security sensitive if the asset has some or all these attributes: Determining secure assessment status In many cases, projects requiring an NDA or confidentiality agreement are covered by our standard terms and conditions, and we reserve the right to reject requests for secure assessments. It is the assessor’s responsibility to determine whether an asset could be security sensitive, based on the client’s requirements and this KBCN. If you are unsure, please contact us with full details, including the requirements of the client and which of the above requirements are met by the asset. Assessing and auditing secure assessments In most cases secure assessments can be completed using our online tools for scoring and referencing. Assessment details can be: We have a dedicated secure inbox ([email protected]) where we can accept secure assessment evidence, or links to access evidence via file transfer protocol. This inbox is used for any situation where secure data needs to be shared with BRE. This includes: Where secure data is not shared, please use our usual channels to discuss the process and confirm submission methods. For more information on the secure assessment process, see KBCN0525.

Security sensitive assessments – process - KBCN0525

For security sensitive assessments, all technical queries, QA submissions and QA enquiries can be sent to [email protected]. Only appropriately cleared staff have access to this inbox and work on security sensitive projects. When registering your security sensitive project, there is an option to mark the project 'confidential'. This means that no information will be listed on our Greenbook Live public listings page once the project has been certified. In exceptional circumstances it may be possible for an auditor to carry out QA of an assessment at the client's office or another location agreed with BRE Global, the assessor company and the client. Additional fees will apply and it may not always be possible to accommodate this request. Please send an email to [email protected] marked for the attention of the Certification Manager if you wish to discuss this option. For further guidance on our general approach to confidentiality, and the type of projects that may be considered 'security sensitive' please see KBCN1625.
20-Oct-2023 - Link to secure inbox and UK security vetting updated. Title aligned with, and link created to KBCN1625.

Shell & core project: Completing as fully-fitted - KBCN0394

It is possible to complete an assessment as fully fitted following a design stage certification as a shell & core project. Whilst the assessment will reference much of the same evidence gathered for design stage, it must be re-registered and may be submitted as a fully-fitted Post-construction assessment.
17/04/18 Wording clarified

Simple Buildings – definition - KBCN0448

The building services are predominantly of limited capacity and local in their delivery, largely independent from other systems in the building fabric and avoid complex control systems. The building can be classified as any of the building types within the scope of the scheme, including mixed use developments or building types. For UK NC 2011 assessments please refer to the Simple Buildings Guidance on the Extranet. For UK NC 2014, 2018 and UK RFO 2014 please refer to Appendix E within each technical manual.

Simple Buildings – Assessor licensing - KBCN0469

There is no separate Simple Buildings (SB) licence, because assessment of simple buildings is under the relevant scheme (UK 2011, 2014 New Construction Non-Domestic and 2014 UK Refurbishment and Fit-Out). Assessment of SB is building type specific, so for instance to assess a new construction Offices development to SB, the assessor must hold a Commercial license.  Equally, if it was an Education building, the assessor must hold a Public license.

Simple Buildings – No size or cost limits - KBCN0451

Variations in project specification make setting limits on the size or the cost of simple buildings problematic. Therefore, no limits have been set.

Simple Buildings – Quality Assurance (QA) - KBCN0459

The process and rigor of quality assurance does not change for Simple Building assessments.  As with any assessment, the correct classification of the development will be checked.  Where a project is incorrectly classified, the project will require re-assessment against the correct BREEAM criteria before the QA and certification process can progress. There may be additional charges associated with this process. Due to Simple Buildings not being a separate scheme, the audit level assigned to the assessment (Admin, Partial or Full) will follow the standard approach, i.e. previous audit records for that building type will be reviewed. Also, QA response times are the same as for other assessments of the same building type.

Submitting a PCR using excel scoring and reporting tool - KBCN0726

When completing a post construction review (PCR) of a certified design stage assessment it is not necessary to submit a new assessment registration. PCRs are a review assessment of a certified design stage and therefore do not require a new assessment registration. Do not register PCRs through the online registration system. For assessments where the Post Construction Review of a certified Design Stage is completed using the excel scoring and reporting tool or a PCR reporting template, nothing is required prior to submission. On submission of the PCR the assessor should provide the certified design stage reference on the report, clearly stating that it is a PCR of the certified design stage. The QA team will add the PCR to the system, assign a new reference number and link it to the original design stage. Please see other compliance note regarding the process of submitting PCRs under schemes that use BREEAM Projects online reporting tool.

Submitting an assessment at Stage 3 - KBCN1688

When submitting an assessment at Stage 3, we ask assessors to clearly state this in the submission to allow us to audit the assessment appropriately. We request that assessors also justify why the assessment is being submitted where some design information may not be advanced enough to fully satisfy all BREEAM requirements.   While we are able to provide a certain level of flexibility for the BREEAM requirements in the audit, we require that the evidence submitted is robust, such as a contractually binding document.

Suspension of work due to non-payment of invoices - KBCN0511

Payment of any invoices relating to BREEAM work must be made within 30 days of the date of issue (PN173, clause 7 iii). We appreciate that in some circumstances it may not be possible for a company to meet these payment terms. To allow additional time for payment, therefore, we currently given an extended period to make payment before suspension (PN173, clause 25 (v)) on BREEAM accounts is applied. At this point BRE is unable to process any technical or non-technical queries, registrations, QA, certifications, or bespoke or licence applications. If you have any queries regarding any outstanding invoices, or general queries about your account, please contact the BREEAM Licensing Team on 0333 321 88 11 or via [email protected].

Technical: Location of scheme technical documents - KBCN00022

All scheme technical manuals are available to view and download on the BREEAM website http://www.breeam.com/technical-standards. Always refer to the BREEAM website to make sure that you have access to the most up-to-date version of the relevant scheme technical manual.

Terminating a license - KBCN1418

If a licence is no longer required by an assessor and they wish to terminate, we require 30 days written notice providing authorization to terminate the license, this can be by letter or email from the individual or company representative. Termination notices will not be accepted or processed by phone, and no refunds will be given if the licence is terminated part way through the licence term. All terms for licensing are set out in the licence agreement, terms and conditions provided at the time of licensing.  Any questions about licensing should be directed to the Licensing Team at [email protected]
2021 01 05 Terms and conditions - wording updated

Transfers from one assessor to another within a company - KBCN0950

Assessments are assigned to the assessor who registered it and will only be visible in that assessor's projects page. If the assessor leaves the company or is no longer licensed in that scheme then the assessment will need to be assigned to another assessor at the same company. For assessments completed through Excel spreadsheets, when the report is submitted at QA by the new assessor the assessment is then registered in their name. For assessments that are completed through the BREEAM Projects online tools please contact the BREEAM Registration Dept. providing the BREEAM reference number and name of new assessor. If the new assessor is licensed in that scheme then the assessment will be moved to appear in their projects page. We are in the process of making improvements to BREEAM Projects and developing increased functionality to enable assessments to be assigned to different assessors within the company. So in future, transfer of assessments between assessors within the same organisation will be easier and quicker.  

Translation Requirements when submitting an assessment with evidence in a language other than English - KBCN0515

BREEAM assessments may be submitted with supporting evidence in a language other than English. Where this is the case, it must be clearly stated within the covering email/upload notes whether all documents are in English and, if not, which language they are in. If translation is required BRE Global will source this service and fees will be charged to the assessor company in accordance with FS036. If this is not confirmed by the assessor upon submission, it will be assumed that all documentation is in English and the BRE Global translator service is not required. Once QA commences, if it subsequently transpires that the translation service is required, the QA will be halted and a delay of up to a 2 further weeks is likely, as BRE Global will need to book and wait for a translator to be available. This applies even where only a proportion of the evidence documents require translation. Where the assessor/assessor organisation are undertaking translation or appointing a third party to undertake translation on their client’s behalf, they must use an ‘appropriate translator’. Please refer to SD5070, 'BREEAM Operations Manual' for the options available and requirements for meeting the definition of an ‘appropriate translator’. Confirmation of the type of translator used and their qualifications must form a part of the licenced assessor’s evidence submission. This correspondence must be signed/confirmed by the ‘appropriate translator’ and the licenced assessor. The validation statement within the assessment/reporting tool, where the assessor clarifies how compliance is achieved, must always be completed by the assessor in English and not in the local language.

UK NC2018 Update – Bespoke UK RFO/UK NC assessments - KBCN1079

Until the UK RFO scheme is updated to align with UK NC2018, 'Bespoke' NC/RFO assessments will continue to be registered against UK RFO2014 and apply the UK RFO2014 and UK NC2014 criteria.

Untreated/unoccupied buildings and structures – Applicability of BREEAM - KBCN1447

BREEAM has been developed to assess the environmental performance of buildings that are designed, in whole or in part, for human occupation. Buildings that comprise only unoccupied spaces, such as multi-storey car parks, storage facilities and changing/WC blocks, which have no spaces occupied continuously for more than 30 mins, cannot undergo a stand-alone BREEAM assessment. Assessment against BREEAM New Construction and BREEAM Refurbishment and Fit-out may be of limited value for buildings that do not incorporate environmental systems to treat spaces for human occupation. As a guide, if Approved Document Part L is not applicable to the building, it is likely that BREEAM will be unsuitable. Civil engineering, infrastructure, landscaping, public realm projects, and unoccupied assets such as multi-storey car parks may, however, be suitable for assessment using BREEAM Infrastructure (formerly CEEQUAL). For more information, please see the BREEAM Infrastructure webpages. Please note that data centres should be assessed using BREEAM Data Centres, regardless of whether they include occupied spaces.
16 Jun 2021 - Clarified and updated to incorporate the content of KBCN0873
14 Oct 2022 - Updated following rebrand of CEEQUAL to BREEAM Infrastructure

Using BREEAM badges of recognition - KBCN1348

For details on how licensed assessors can access the badges and specific rules for use please see KBCN1347 The badge is used as a symbol that demonstrates formal association (i.e. by Agreement with BRE Global) with the BREEAM schemes. The nature of the association is defined by the ‘recognition text’ that appears in the bottom part of the symbol and any descriptive text that appears below the symbol. This is not a Certification Mark. For the ‘Licensed Assessor Company Badge’, the Company Licence reference should be used. For the ‘Listed Assessor Badge’ the individual assessor reference should be used. If you require confirmation of your Company Licence number or Assessor number, please submit a request to the BREEAM Licensing team by email to [email protected] We like to encourage the widest possible use of the recognition badge on company stationery, websites, marketing and publicity materials – but it must always be shown in full with the descriptor, and must not be used to imply recognition for any product or service not recognised by BREEAM.

Using BREEAM certification mark - KBCN1350

For details on how licensed assessors can access the certification mark and specific rules for use please see KBCN1347 The BREEAM certification mark can only be used in relation to a certified assessment and is issued by BRE Global only. The mark must be displayed with text to describe the scheme and a unique identification number written below the mark. BRE Global will provide the unique text which can then be added to the certification mark. The following text must be included at least once on all materials (including websites) which include one or more of the BREEAM logos, marks or symbols. The text should appear as footnote text that is legible to the naked eye on either the front or back page of documents and on all website pages where the logo appears. “BREEAM is a registered trademark of BRE (the Building Research Establishment Ltd. Community Trade Mark E5778551). The BREEAM marks, logos and symbols are the Copyright of BRE and are reproduced by permission”

Using BREEAM logos - KBCN1349

For details on how licensed assessors can access the logo and specific rules for use please see KBCN1347 The BREEAM logo may be used on your marketing and publicity materials, but only in connection with BREEAM related products and services. This logo is not to be used on your general business stationery (letterheads - paper or electronic including e-mails or business cards) to demonstrate your association with BREEAM, your BREEAM badge of recognition should be used for this purpose. The following text must be included at least once on all materials (including websites) which include one or more of the BREEAM logos, marks or symbols. The text should appear as footnote text that is legible to the naked eye on either the front or back page of documents and on all website pages where the logo appears. “BREEAM is a registered trademark of BRE (the Building Research Establishment Ltd. Community Trade Mark E5778551). The BREEAM marks, logos and symbols are the Copyright of BRE and are reproduced by permission”

Validity and Expiry of an Assessment Registration - KBCN0951

With the exception of the BREEAM In-Use and BREEAM Infrastructure schemes an assessment registration remains valid from the date of registration up until 5 years after the expiry date of the scheme version (or launch date of the updated scheme version or replacement scheme). This does not mean that assessments cannot be submitted or that registrations lapse after the 5 Year deadline, however, the deadline will affect the Certificate Format and Certification Fee charged;
Registered (DS or PCA) Submitted (DS or PCA) Certification Format/ Output Certification fee
Before registration expiry Before registration expiry Certificate Fee structure at registration date
Before registration expiry After registration expiry Certificate with disclaimer Current fee structure on submission
After registration expiry After registration expiry Letter of compliance Current fee structure on submission
For design stage (DS) assessments that will be proceeding to post construction review (PCR) - in order to receive a certificate for both stages you will need to submit the Design Stage assessments by the deadline date as detailed above. The post construction review report can follow in due course and there is no deadline for submitting this, assuming that the Interim Design Stage report was submitted for QA and certification prior to the 5 year deadline for expiry date. Assessments that are registered and assessed as a single post construction assessment (PCA) will need to be submitted by the deadline date as detailed above to receive a certificate. Please be aware that the current fee structure means the current certification fees based on the revision of the fee sheet (FS036) valid on the date of submission.

Version of ASWL that should be submitted to QA - KBCN0910

The version of the ASWL that should be submitted is the one that was current at the time of registration or a later version, but not an older version. The following dates were taken from the appropriate Process Note. For post construction assessment, the registration date at design stage of the project should be considered Please always indicate the version of the ASWL that has been submitted to QA, either in the name of the document or in the report. Please note the upload dates within BREEAM Projects (stated underneath each ASWL file) may be different to the dates above. Please ensure the dates above are always used.

Who determines compliance the Assessor or BRE? - KBCN0839

In the BREEAM assessment model, the assessor determines compliance and BRE Global quality-assures the assessment. Rather than saying definitively that an assessor's decision is incorrect, the QA process may raise a finding (Non-Conformance) where it is not clear that compliance is demonstrated. BREEAM technical support cannot generally confirm compliance, as that would be deemed as advice, which could conflict with our need to remain impartial as the certifying body. However, we can, and do, support the assessor in the decision-making/assessment process, affording confidence through assisting with interpretation of the criteria in any given scenario. Ultimately, however, it is the role of the licensed BREEAM assessor to determine compliance and to demonstrate this with appropriate evidence in their assessment report.

[KBCN withdrawn] ~ Compliance: Conflicts of interest for the BREEAM assessor - KBCN0107

This KBCN has been withdrawn and replaced with the more detailed KBCN1708.
KBCN Withdrawn on 18th Oct 2024

The assessor can be someone within the design team or work for the same company as the design team member(s) but the assessor must identify and manage any potential conflicts of interest. The assessor should also make BRE Global aware of the situation so that, should it prove appropriate, the certification report can be escalated to a more detailed level of quality assurance checking.

If the assessor is a member of the company who are producing evidence to demonstrate compliance, there must be clear separation of the roles and the BREEAM/HQM assessor must not be personally responsible for producing such evidence.

BREEAM/HQM is a 3rd party certification scheme. Therefore, it is important to avoid any conflicts of interest between those producing evidence and those awarding credits to ensure the robustness of the certification process. 

[KBCN withdrawn] ~ Compliance: Conflicts of interest for the BREEAM assessor - KBCN0107

This KBCN has been withdrawn and replaced with the more detailed KBCN1708.
KBCN Withdrawn on 18th Oct 2024

The assessor can be someone within the design team or work for the same company as the design team member(s) but the assessor must identify and manage any potential conflicts of interest. The assessor should also make BRE Global aware of the situation so that, should it prove appropriate, the certification report can be escalated to a more detailed level of quality assurance checking.

If the assessor is a member of the company who are producing evidence to demonstrate compliance, there must be clear separation of the roles and the BREEAM/HQM assessor must not be personally responsible for producing such evidence.

BREEAM/HQM is a 3rd party certification scheme. Therefore, it is important to avoid any conflicts of interest between those producing evidence and those awarding credits to ensure the robustness of the certification process. 

[KBCN withdrawn] ~ Conflict of Interest statements - KBCN0520

This KBCN has been withdrawn and replaced with the more detailed KBCN1708.
KBCN Withdrawn on 18th Oct 2024

If the assessor believes there is or may be potential for a conflict of interest then the first step to managing it is to declare it to BRE Global, along with any measures proposed or taken to manage the potential conflict. BRE Global can then confirm or advise steps that need to be taken by the relevant parties (including ourselves) to maintain the objectivity of the assessment and its outcome.

The assessor should inform BRE Global of any potential conflict at the registration stage of assessment; or at the appropriate time thereafter when the potential conflict becomes apparent and before the assessment is submitted for a certification decision

Licensed assessors can and often will need to advise clients, project teams and asset owners/managers on whether one or more proposed solutions comply and how to interpret assessment criteria for the purpose of determining, designing or proposing compliant solutions. This type of advice does not necessarily constitute a conflict of interest, but assessors should be mindful in doing so that it does not lead to one.

When submitting the assessment to the BREEAM QA Team the assessor must submit a signed statement confirming the roles undertaken by the assessor/assessor organisation and how any potential conflicts of interest have been managed. A statement confirming that there was no conflict of interest is not sufficient.

In such circumstances the assessment and evidence submitted may be subject to closer scrutiny. Where BRE Global has unresolved concerns relating to the potential conflicts of interest, additional measure may be imposed to verify the integrity of the submitted assessment.
Information correct as of 27thOctober 2024. Please see kb.breeam.com for the latest compliance information.