New Construction / UK / V6 /

00 General

Information correct as of 2ndDecember 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.

Asset classification – co-living developments - KBCN1568

The following is a guide only. Every co-living project will combine a varying mix of residential with managed spaces, and assessors must in all cases review the suitability of the criteria to determine the most appropriate asset classification. Co-living features Co-living developments generally combine: Classification Using building regulation classifications as a guide As a guide, assessors can also consider how their asset is classified according to local regulations. For UK NC assets, KBCN1225 provides additional clarification:

Evidence – Photographs not permitted for security reasons - KBCN0389

Where photographs are not permitted during a site visit for security reasons, in addition to any alternative evidence requirements listed in the Schedule of Evidence for each issue, the assessor will also need to provide a detailed site inspection report and/or as-built drawings (where permitted by the client). If following this approach, full justification and documentary evidence from the client will be required for QA purposes.

Fit-out level – Selecting the appropriate assessment type - KBCN1627

Projects designed and constructed as fully fitted should not be evaluated as ‘Shell and core’ or ‘Shell-only’ where the intent is to limit the scope of the BREEAM assessment without further justification. Where the fit-out level of a project is not consistent, the BREEAM assessment type should be considered in line with KBCN0702

Guidance Notes – Applicability to BREEAM UK NC V6 - KBCN1534

Some Guidance Notes that apply to BREEAM UK New Construction 2018 (UK NC 2018) remain fully or partly applicable to assessments using BREEAM UK New Construction Version 6 (UK NC V6): Fully applicable Partly applicable Not applicable
31-Jan-2023 - Updated link for GN38

Knowledge Base – Applicability of UK NC 2018 KBCNs to UK NC V6 - KBCN1531

The assessment issues and criteria in BREEAM UK NC V6 are the same as BREEAM UK NC 2018 except for specific changes in: The changes in Hea 02 do not affect the applicability of any current UK NC 2018 KBCNs All UK NC 2018 KBCNs for assessment issues other than Ene 01 are, therefore, applicable to UK NC V6. For Ene 01 we have reviewed and, where necessary, amended relevant KBCNs for UK NC V6. We are also taking the opportunity to update some of these for UK NC 2018.   Please also refer to the summary of changes for NC V6, provided in KBCN1530.
26/08/2022 Updated following review, to clarify that all current NC2018 Hea 02 KBCNs are applicable to UK NC V6.

Principal contractor or subcontractor no longer operational - KBCN0590

In situations where the principal contractor or other company involved in the project is no longer operational where, for example, the company has gone into administration, the assessor may be unable to obtain all the evidence to meet the requirements of BREEAM or HQM. For some BREEAM Issues, it may not be possible to demonstrate compliance retrospectively, and in such cases, the relevant credits must be withheld. However, in this situation, a lack of complete evidence will not, in itself, prevent the project from achieving a BREEAM rating and, where relevant, a prerequisite or minimum standard can be waived. For example:

UK NC V6 Man 03 Prerequisite - Legally harvested and traded timber or INC V6 Wst 03a – 1 credit to achieve an Excellent Rating

This is based on the project team demonstrating appropriate efforts to obtain the evidence from the company in administration and providing the following:
28 Oct 2024 - Title and general approach updated. Applied to HQM One/V6 and NC V6.

Registering assessments to UK NC2018 or UK NC V6 – Version of Part L - KBCN1535

BREEAM UK New Construction 2018 was developed for buildings in England which are demonstrating compliance against Part L 2013. The New Construction V6 version is intended for buildings in England which are demonstrating compliance against Part L 2021. Accordingly, UK NC 2018 will only accept 'inp' files created using Part L 2013 building regulations software for England and UK NC V6 will only accept 'inp' files created using Part L 2021 building regulations software for England.   Assessments already registered to BREEAM UK NC 2018 that must comply with the Part L 2021 of the Building Regulations may follow either of the options below:
  1.  Transfer to the UK NC V6 scheme
  2. Assess under UK NC 2018 and do two Part L models:
New assessments subject to Part L 2021 may register to UK NC V6 or follow Option 2, above.
10 Feb 2023 - Applied to Issue Ene 01 to improve visibility

Retail/Industrial Showrooms Appendix - KBCN1115

This Criteria Appendix has been developed for developments such as car showrooms which incorporate both retail and industrial areas. The appendix clarifies, for specific BREEAM issues, which criteria are applicable to each area of the assessment. This should be read in conjunction with the relevant scheme version of the BREEAM UK  technical manual. This is applicable to BREEAM UK New Construction 2014, 2018 and V6 and BREEAM UK RFO 2014. Such assessments should be registered against the 'Retail' building type and the Appendix will soon be available for download in the guidance for 'Retail' assessments for each relevant scheme on BREEAM Projects. In the meantime, the Criteria Appendix can be requested by emailing [email protected]
22/09/2022 Applicability to UK NC V6 confirmed
22/05/2018 The title of this appendix has been changed and additional information provided. This includes removal of the specific reference to 'Car Showrooms' in order to clarify that this approach can be applied to other similar retail developments, which include industrial servicing areas.

Summary of changes – BREEAM UK NC V6 - KBCN1530

BREEAM UK New Construction Version 6 (UK NC V6) was released on 24 August 2022 following the updates to building regulations in England that came into force on 15 June 2022. The update enables new buildings in England using the latest version of Part L (2021 edition) to register and complete BREEAM UK New Construction assessments. Buildings in England using the previous version of Part L (2013 edition) must continue to register and complete assessments using BREEAM UK New Construction 2018. Buildings in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland may register and complete assessments using either BREEAM UK New Construction 2018 or BREEAM UK New Construction Version 6. The changes from BREEAM UK New Construction 2018 (UK NC 2018) are listed in the table below. The updates are limited in scope and only effect the assessment of: All other assessment issues remain unchanged from UK NC 2018. Further updates will be released when building regulations are updated in other UK nations.
Location Description of change
Ene 01 Energy performance (Ene 01 calculator): Updated translator curves for buildings in England using the latest version of building regulations (Part L2, 2021 edition). The Ene 01 calculation methodology is described in an updated version of GN39.
Ene 01 Prediction of operational energy consumption credits: Updated criteria for ‘Four credits – Prediction of operational energy consumption’. Includes new methodology section that replaces previous guidance in GN32.
Ene 01 Post-occupancy evaluation of operational energy consumption exemplary credits: Updated criteria for the two exemplary credits for ‘Post-occupancy evaluation of operational energy consumption’. Replaces requirement for a specific post-occupancy stage assessment.
Hea 02 Indoor air quality (IAQ) plan prerequisite: Update to criteria for ‘Prerequisite – Indoor air quality (IAQ) plan’. The criteria now specifically mention consideration of purge ventilation and local authority plans and policies. The changes have also been applied to an updated version of GN06.
Hea 02 Ventilation credit: Updated criteria for ‘One credit – Ventilation’. Updated requirements for specifying or installing carbon dioxide (CO2) sensors in occupied spaces, plus a new requirement to report the number and coverage of installed sensors. Specific reference to CIBSE AM13 for buildings with mixed-mode ventilation.
Hea 02 Post-construction indoor air quality measurement credit: Update to criteria for ‘One credit – Post-construction indoor air quality measurement’. The total volatile organic compound (TVOC) concentration level measured post-construction has been reverted to 300μg/m³ (was 500μg/m³ in UK NC 2018).
Scope, Ene 02, Wat 01, Wat 02 Updated references to post-occupancy stage assessment, following amendments to exemplary credits in Ene 01.

Summary of changes – BREEAM UK NC V6.1 - KBCN1600

BREEAM UK New Construction Version 6.1 (UK NC V6.1) is a minor update to BREEAM UK New Construction Version 6.0 to incorporate changes to the building regulations for energy performance in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. It was released on 14 June 2023. The updated version of BREEAM UK New Construction Version 6 now incorporates new translator curves for the Ene 01 calculation methodology in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. This follows the changes that were introduced for England in Version 6.0 (see KBCN1530). The main changes are listed in the table below. All changes are listed in the ‘Schedule of changes’ in the technical manual. The update includes some minor corrections for known issues in BREEAM UK New Construction 2018 and Version 6.0. Relevant knowledge base compliance notes (KBCNs) from UK NC 2018 and UK NC V6.0 can continue to be applied to UK NC V6.1.
Location Description of change
Ene 01 Energy performance (Ene 01 calculator): Updated translator curves for buildings in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland using the latest version of the building regulations and SBEM outputs in these countries. The Ene 01 calculation methodology is described in an updated version of GN39.
Ene 01 Energy performance (multi-residential assessments): Updated methodology for multi-residential assessments that include SAP component using the latest version of the building regulations and SAP outputs in all UK countries.
Ene 01 (online platform) Multiple file upload: Projects assessed under UK NC V6.1 can upload multiple _BRUKL.inp files for a single assessment and the platform will perform the calculation described in KBCN1083.
Ene 01 (online platform) Alternative route to Excellent: Projects assessed under UK NC V6.1 can manually input amended figures from the dynamic simulation modelling into the platform to demonstrate the 'substantial improvement' required to achieve the Excellent minimum standard via the alternative route in KBCN1336.
Ene 01 Clarified the structure and wording of the exemplary credits for 'Beyond zero net regulated carbon'. The requirements and the number of credits available are still the same.
Ene 08 Removed drying lines option for multi-residential assessments (previously item 5b in section on ‘Domestic-scale appliances’).
Hea 05 Updated reference to the latest design guidance for law court buildings.
Pol 05 Updated the background noise level thresholds in criterion 4. [Incorrect change reverted in V6.1.1. See June 2023 Process Note.]
Tra 02 Updated minimum power for electric recharging stations to 7kW (in Table 7.4 ‘Sustainable public, private and active transport measures’, assessment option 4).
08/11/2023 - Entry for Pol 05 updated to clarify.

Time critical requirements – Concept / Technical Design stages - KBCN1711

The intent of the criteria relating to project stages in BREEAM is to ensure that actions are taken at a time when they can have the intended influence. Where projects are following these defined stages via a traditional procurement route, referring to the project programme and work stages are a robust and convenient way to demonstrate that the intent is met. However, not all projects will follow these work stages. In such cases, the project can show that the intent is met by demonstrating that, for the relevant BREEAM requirement, the activity has happened when the project is at an appropriate stage of development. Concept Design The project stage at which fundamental aspects of the design are developed. Technical Design Once a detailed planning application has been submitted, many aspects of the design will be fixed, and the project is at Technical Design stage. Depending on the procurement route, there may be an overlap between technical design and the construction phase of the works. Additional guidance Sometimes different aspects of the design might be at different project stages. KBCN1156 gives detailed guidance on how to define the project stage for each construction element, based on the design information available for that element. Although it was originally written specifically to address Mat 01 LCA for UK NC 2018 and V6, it may be useful in other situations.
Information correct as of 2ndDecember 2024. Please see for the latest compliance information.